Everything You Need to Know About PCOS

Everything You Need to Know About PCOS
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a very common reproductive health condition estimated to affect 1 in 10 in the UK. In this article, we’ll cover exactly what PCOS is, its causes and symptoms, common FAQs about PCOS and some tips for those living with the condition.
Quick facts:
- PCOS is a very common hormone and metabolic condition.
- PCOS can cause missed or irregular menstrual periods, issues with ovulation, increased levels of androgens, excess hair growth, skin issues and weight issues.
- The main treatment for PCOS is symptom management and may depend on whether or not someone is trying to actively become pregnant.
What is PCOS?
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine and metabolic disorders. PCOS is characterised by an imbalance of sex hormones which can cause a whole host of symptoms – including missed periods, acne, excessive hair growth and even fertility issues.
Despite how common it is, many people don’t get a proper diagnosis until they’re having difficulties trying to get pregnant. Research has shown that it can take on average 2 years and visiting more than 3 doctors to get a PCOS diagnosis.
What are the symptoms of PCOS?
We are all unique, so every person affected by PCOS will experience symptoms differently but some common symptoms include the following.
Menstrual cycle-related symptoms
PCOS can impact ovulation by either causing irregular ovulation or no ovulation at all (anovulation). This is because people with PCOS tend to have imbalances in hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle – particularly luteinising hormone (LH).
As these hormones are key for regulating ovulation, an imbalance can cause ovulation to happen less frequently or stop it altogether.
Irregular ovulation will often result in irregular periods (oligomenorrhea). This is when your cycle is less than 21 days, or more than 35 days apart. People with PCOS tend to have very long cycles (i.e. more than 35 days) or no periods at all (amenorrhea).
They have also reported experiencing heavier-than-normal periods.
Skin and hair-related symptoms
This can include excessive hair growth (hirsutism), especially on the upper lip, chin, neck, sideburn area, chest, upper or lower abdomen, upper arm and inner thigh.
Loss of hair or thinning of the scalp hair (alopecia) can also be experienced as well as thick dark patches of skin in your armpit or around your groin or neck (acanthosis nigricans) and skin tags.
Acne is also a common symptom. Skin and hair-related symptoms are caused by having too many androgens (such as testosterone) in your body, which is a common trait in people with PCOS.
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
Weight gain is particularly seen around the abdomen area (known as central adiposity), which is caused by PCOS affecting your metabolism.
Difficulty conceiving
This is due to the hormone imbalances in PCOS causing irregular ovulation. PCOS can cause ovulation to become less frequent and unpredictable, which may make it more tricky to conceive. If ovulation doesn’t occur, there’s no egg awaiting fertilisation.
Mental health-related symptoms
People with PCOS are more likely to experience mental health-related symptoms including depression and anxiety as a result of the negative impact their symptoms can have on their day-to-day life.
What causes PCOS?
Although the exact cause of PCOS is unknown, research suggests that a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors are at play. Here are some of the main factors thought to be responsible for PCOS symptoms.
High levels of Androgens
Androgens are a group of hormones, the most common being testosterone. They are made mostly by the ovaries and are important for muscle growth and getting your libido going.
People with PCOS have been found to have higher than normal androgen levels, a condition called ‘“hyperandrogenism”. This can result in characteristic PCOS symptoms such as excessive body and facial hair growth, hair loss from the scalp, oily skin and acne.
Don’t be fooled by its name, polycystic ovaries do not mean cysts in the ovaries. This imbalance of androgen hormones does not allow follicles (little sacs that house your eggs) in the ovaries to mature properly.
As a result, there are a large number of immature follicles which get stuck in different stages of maturation. These can appear like cysts during a pelvic ultrasound scan but are very different to cysts.
High levels of insulin
Some people with PCOS also experience a condition called insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that controls blood glucose levels (basically your blood sugar). When blood glucose levels rise (after eating for example), insulin helps the cells to absorb it so it can be used by the body for energy.
Insulin resistance is when the body doesn’t respond to normal insulin levels. The body starts making excess levels of insulin to compensate for this, leading to misregulation of blood sugar levels and knock-on effects on the proper functioning of the ovaries and ovulation.
Insulin resistance can also lead to problems with metabolism, causing further symptoms such as weight gain, difficulty losing weight and higher risks of conditions like type 2 diabetes.
High insulin levels also decrease the production of sex hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG)—an important hormone that regulates testosterone levels—which therefore results in increased levels of testosterone and excess androgen-related symptoms.
Genetic causes
PCOS has been found to run in families, so having an immediate relative with PCOS can put you at a higher risk of developing it yourself. There have been several genes which have been identified as possible causes of PCOS, but as of yet, no conclusive links have been made.
Recent research published by members of the Hertility research team shows that PCOS may be associated with genetic changes in the powerhouse of our cells called the mitochondria.
PCOS affects people of all ethnic backgrounds, however, research has shown that those from ethnic minority communities, especially those who are Black or South Asian, are at a higher risk of developing PCOS.
Different ethnicities are also known to have different PCOS symptoms. For example, research has found that women of South Asian and Middle Eastern descent are more likely to experience excessive body and facial hair and women of East Asia are more likely to experience irregular periods.
How can I be diagnosed with PCOS?
Someone would need to be experiencing at least two of the following to be diagnosed with PCOS:
- A history of irregular periods (oligomenorrhea) or no periods (amenorrhea).
- Increased androgen levels (hyperandrogenism) (which is confirmed by hormone blood tests or physical characteristics like excessive body or facial hair).
- Evidence of polycystic ovaries (which is confirmed by a hormone blood test – AMH or pelvic ultrasound scan)
Is there a test for PCOS diagnosis?
There is no single blood test which can be used by itself to diagnose PCOS. A doctor will need to review your medical history, periods, symptoms, carry out hormone tests and possibly a pelvic ultrasound scan.
How can a Hormone and Fertility test help me?
If you suspect you might have PCOS, our at-home hormone and fertility test can give you a better insight into your hormones. Testing for testosterone is important in making a PCOS diagnosis as people with PCOS tend to have:
- Higher than average testosterone.
- Low levels of SHBG.
- Higher LH levels than FSH levels.
- Higher AMH levels.
Can PCOS affect my fertility?
Although it can cause fertility issues, being diagnosed with PCOS does not necessarily mean that someone will experience fertility issues. Some people may go on to conceive naturally, while others may need assistance with medication and fertility treatments.
PCOS can cause ovulation to become less frequent and unpredictable, which may make it more tricky to conceive. If ovulation doesn’t occur, there will be no egg to fertilise each month.
Some people may need to explore fertility treatment options, but being diagnosed with PCOS doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll face issues with your fertility. Many people with PCOS will get pregnant without any fertility treatment.
More good news is that although someone with PCOS may be more likely to need fertility treatments than someone without, research has shown that they will have a similar number of pregnancies and children.
What are the long-term health risks of PCOS?
PCOS has been associated with the following long-term health risks:
- Insulin resistance
- Type 2 diabetes
- Obesity
- High blood cholesterol
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Excess fat in the liver
- Cardiovascular disease
- Mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety
- Sleep apnea (problems breathing while you’re asleep, which can make you extremely tired during the day)
- Endometrial (womb) cancer
- Pregnancy-related complications such as miscarriages, preeclampsia (high blood pressure) & gestational diabetes (Diabetes in pregnancy)
How is PCOS treated?
There is no cure for PCOS, which means that treatment for PCOS is focused on the management of symptoms and the long-term health risks.
Treatment will depend on several factors including your age, how severe your symptoms are if you are planning on having children, your overall health and your risk of long-term health problems.
Management of PCOS usually needs a multidisciplinary approach, which may include an endocrinologist (hormone specialist), gynaecologist, dermatologist, fertility specialist, dietitian or nutritionist, exercise specialist and mental health professional.
According to evidence-based guidelines, lifestyle management is important not only to improve symptoms but also to improve the chances of becoming pregnant and having a healthy baby if you are trying to conceive.
Here are some of the things you can do to manage symptoms…
Maintaining a healthy weight
Ensuring your weight is within a healthy range can increase your chance of spontaneous ovulation and regular periods.
Talking with your GP can help you to determine your ideal goal weight and the steps you can take to achieve it. Doctors often use Body Mass Index (BMI) as a reference to determine your ideal weight (you can check your BMI here). A normal BMI range falls between 18.5 and 25, however, this may be different depending on your activity level and ethnicity.
For someone with a BMI of 30 or over, NICE guidelines state that losing 5-10% of your weight is likely to improve symptoms and increase your chance of conception. According to the NHS, it’s losing as little as 5%.
Eat a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise
Although it’s commonly the first line of advice suggested by medical professionals, weight loss with PCOS is not always easy and can result in you dieting (which does more harm than good) or eating disorders.
This is where having a holistic approach is important, which can be achieved by eating a healthy balanced diet and incorporating exercise into your daily routine.
What is the PCOS diet?
- Tailor your PCOS diet to your food preferences and keep it flexible
- Avoid an unnecessarily restrictive or nutritionally unbalanced diet and focus on sustainability
- Choose a Mediterranean-style diet rich in whole grains, high-fibre, healthy fats and good protein sources
- Switch carbs with a high glycemic index (GI) for those with low GI
- Limit your intake of sugary processed snacks and drinks.
- Combine protein with carbs to lessen any blood sugar spikes
Stress management
Excessive stress can negatively impact your overall health and can also cause irregular menstrual cycles. PCOS is associated with an increased risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
A new diagnosis or experiencing fertility issues can unknowingly impact your emotional wellbeing, so it’s important to put yourself and your needs first. If possible, try to cut down on your stress levels or try self-help measures to cope with stress, such as meditation, exercising and journaling. Adopting a healthy sleep schedule and planning to get at least eight hours of sleep can also help with stress and mood.
However, if these feelings do not go away or start interfering with your daily life, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to suffer in silence. If you find your self-help measures are not helping you cope, consider seeking advice from a mental health professional as your pathway to support.
Can any medications help PCOS?
In some cases, making simple but effective lifestyle changes are enough to help people with PCOS conceive naturally. However, for others, lifestyle modifications might need a little helping hand from modern-day medicines and technology.
Some commonly used medicines and supplements include:
- Hormonal birth control, such as the combined oral contraceptive pill (COCs) which can be prescribed to make your menstrual cycle more regular and help improve symptoms like acne and excess hair growth.
- Anti-androgen therapy such as Sprinolocatone, Cyproterone Acetate, Flutamide and Finasteride can block androgens and alleviate symptoms of hyperandrogenism, such as acne and excessive body or facial hair.
- Fertility drugs such as Clomid or Letrozole. Clomid is one of the most popular brands of clomifene citrate used in the UK – this helps to stimulate the ovaries to release eggs. The treatment is termed ‘ovulation induction’ for those experiencing irregular ovulation due to PCOS and who are looking to have a baby. Read more about the use of Clomid for PCOS here. Letrozole is sometimes used as an alternative to clomid. It generally lowers oestrogen production, which stimulates the beginning of another menstrual cycle. Doctors may use it for treatment in those with PCOS if they think the benefits of treatment outweigh any associated risks.
- Metformin is often prescribed to regulate blood glucose and insulin levels in order to manage insulin resistance.
- Vitamin D supplementation has been found to help improve insulin resistance and testosterone levels (you should always consult with a doctor before considering any supplements).
If you suspect you might have PCOS, our at-home Hormone & Fertility test screen you for the condition and help you understand if you have any hormone imbalances that could be contributing to PCOS symptoms.
After you’ve done your test, you can book a follow up private gynaecology consultation with one of our PCOS Specialists who will be able to provide you with a personalised care plan for managing your symptoms and any treatments.
If you are looking to connect with other people experiencing PCOS, you could also check out charities and support groups such as Verity and Cysters
- Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop Group. Revised 2003 consensus on diagnostic criteria and long-term health risks related to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Hum Reprod 2004;19:41–47.
- Escobar-Morreale, H. Polycystic ovary syndrome: definition, aetiology, diagnosis and treatment. Nat Rev Endocrinol 14, 270–284 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/nrendo.2018.24
- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos/[accessed 09/08/2021]
- https://www.rcog.org.uk/globalassets/documents/patients/patient-information-leaflets/gynaecology/pi-pcos.pdf [accessed 09/08/2021]