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Egg freezing with Hertility

Egg freezing is an effective way to take control of your fertility and plan for your future. Whether you’re just curious about the egg freezing process, or actively looking for a fertility clinic, we’re here to help.

No waiting lists

Vetted clinics

No GP referral required

What is egg freezing?

What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing is a fertility preservation method that involves one or more unfertilized eggs being extracted from the ovaries, frozen and stored for future use.

Why do people freeze their eggs?

You may choose to freeze your eggs if you’re not ready to have children yet, but would like to in the future. As you age, the quality and quantity of your eggs decline, which means so do your chances of conceiving. Whether you’re worried about your fertility declining naturally, or from an underlying health condition—egg freezing can be an effective way of preserving your fertility.

Interested in learning more about Egg Freezing?

Get our latest webinars, articles and events around freezing your eggs, straight to your inbox.

How to freeze your eggs with Hertility:


Egg freezing involves a number of different stages. You’ll need to undergo a series of pre-treatment tests and get a clinic referral, before you can start an egg freezing cycle. At Hertility, we offer a unique pathway that covers the first stage of this journey, including your pre-treatment testing, a referral and initial consultations with our partner clinic, Apricity.

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Pre treatment tests and referral
Starting at £299
Hertility Hormone & Fertility Test

This initial blood test is to check in on your reproductive hormones and AMH levels. This is the first step in getting all of the information you’ll need to decide if egg freezing is right for you. If you’re taking hormonal contraception, you’ll need to have come off it for at least 3 months before your test.

Hertility Hormone & Fertility Test
Pelvic ultrasound scan

Next, you’ll get a referral for a scan at our partner clinic. This will examine the inside of your abdomen, uterus, Fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, vagina and give you your Antral Follicle Count (AFC), or egg count. This step is also essential for deciding if this process is right for you. Appointments are available nationwide, on dates and at times of your choosing.

Pelvic ultrasound scan
Fertility Advisor call

This is primarily to review your blood test and scan results. Our expert fertility advisors will be able to give you further information, personal to you and answer any questions or concerns you may have at this stage.

Fertility Advisor call
Referral & initial consultations

If you decide egg freezing is right for you, you’ll be referred to our partner clinic, Apricity. You’ll have an initial call with one of their Fertility Advisors to discuss costs and any initial questions. Then you’ll have a free Doctor’s consultation with a fertility specialist to set out your treatment plan.

Referral & initial consultations
apricity logo
Egg freezing cycle
plus icon£6,295
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This is not included in our package costs and will be handled with Apricity directly.

Stimulation & injection

Next, you’ll take fertility medication for up to two weeks. This stimulates your egg sacs (follicles), causing more eggs to mature. You’ll need to make regular trips to the clinic for blood tests and scans to track the growth of your follicles. Once your follicles are big enough, you’ll have an injection that will cause your eggs to mature fully. Please note, this step is not covered in the price of our referral packages.

Stimulation & injection
Egg retrieval

This is the procedure during which your mature eggs are removed, performed under general anaesthetic or sedation. Your eggs will then be frozen and stored until you’re ready to use them. Please note that this step is also not covered by the price of our referral packages and will need to be paid to our partner clinic directly.

Egg retrieval

Once frozen, your eggs will be stored at your clinic until you are ready to use them. The first year of storage is covered by the cost of your first egg freezing cycle, after this it will be an additional £410 per year with Apricity.

Hertility Hormone & Fertility Test

Download our detailed step-by-step guide to egg freezing

Our guide includes:

  • - The ins and outs of social and medical egg freezing
  • - A detailed step-by-step process to egg freezing
  • - How to know if egg freezing is right for you
  • - FAQs with our private Gynaecologists

Meet our partner clinics

At Hertility, nothing is more important to us than your health and wellbeing. That’s why we’ve chosen the absolute best-in-class fertility clinics to partner with to deliver your fertility treatments. 

Apricity works with HFEA accredited clinics with leading experts and egg freezing specialists. 

High birth success rates

High birth success rates

Online or in-person appointments

Online or in-person appointments

User friendly app for appointments and prescriptions

User friendly app for appointments and prescriptions

Medication prescription and provision

Medication prescription and provision

Hertility Logo

Is egg freezing right for me?

Video thumbnail

Deciding to freeze your eggs is a huge decision. Whether or not it’s right for you will depend on lots of different factors.

Some questions to ask yourself before entering this process should be:

  • Do I have the right support around me?
  • Do I have all of the information I need?
  • Am I in the right place emotionally?
  • Am I able to afford all of the costs—pre-treatment testing, one or multiple egg freezing cycles and storage?

It’s personal—no two of us will be the same

It’s okay not to have all the answers. At Hertility, we believe that egg freezing can be an incredible fertility treatment, but it won’t be right for everyone. We care deeply about our community getting access to the right treatments and would never advocate any of our users accessing a service if it wasn’t right for their personal circumstance. 

We are committed to always providing you with the latest research and unbiased educational information so that you can make informed decisions and empowered choices about your care and what is right for you. Remember that you can book a call with one of our Fertility Advisors to chat through your personal circumstances at any time.

Is egg freezing right for me?

Why Hertility?

By choosing to do your pre-treatment testing and clinic referral with Hertility, you’re not only choosing expert care—you’re choosing a team that holds your health and wellbeing at the heart of everything we do.

We’ve designed our packages to give you all of the clinical information you need to decide if an egg freezing cycle is right for you—without the stress, or the waiting lists.

Smooth referral process

Immediate referrals with all your test results sent straight to your chosen Apricity clinic.

Immediate appointments

Get access to weekly appointments for every step in your journey.

Vetted clinics

Apricity works with HFEA accredited clinics with leading experts and egg freezing specialists.

Book your Hertility consultation

Depending on where you’re at in your journey, choose from either of our egg-freezing packages.

Complete pre-treatment & referral package

This does not include the price of an egg freezing cycle.

With Apricity, this will be an extra £6,295 paid to the clinic directly. A referral does not commit you to the egg-freezing process. You can take your free consultation with an Apricity specialist and if you decide the process isn’t for you, you’re not tied into continuing.

This package includes everything you’ll need to begin the egg-freezing process—from your initial Hormone Blood Test to a free consultation with our partner clinic, including a 10% discount across all Hertility services.

£399 or £99.75 x 4 interest-free payments

Learn more about clearpay

Hertility Hormone & Fertility Test

Up to 10 reproductive and thyroid hormones tested

Reproductive health condition screening

In-depth doctors follow-up report

Pelvic Ultrasound Scan

Scan with sonographer at partner clinic of your choosing

Analysis and diagnosis of PCOS, fibroids or other structural abnormalities that may affect conception

In-depth follow up gynaecology assessment report, including high quality scan imagery and Antral Follicle Count (egg count)

Fertility Advisor Call

Review of hormone test results and symptom management advice

Expert guidance on navigating fertility treatments and procedures

Non-judgemental, compassionate emotional support

Clinical Referral

Including doctor's consultation usually charged at £200

What is included:

Hertility Hormone & Fertility Test

Up to 10 reproductive and thyroid hormones tested

Reproductive health condition screening

In-depth doctors follow-up report

Pelvic Ultrasound Scan

Scan with sonographer at partner clinic of your choosing

Analysis and diagnosis of PCOS, fibroids or other structural abnormalities that may affect conception

In-depth follow up gynaecology assessment report, including high quality scan imagery and Antral Follicle Count (egg count)

Fertility Advisor Call

Review of hormone test results and symptom management advice

Expert guidance on navigating fertility treatments and procedures

Non-judgemental, compassionate emotional support

Clinical Referral

Including doctor's consultation usually charged at £200

Need more information?


Research News: Real-World Outcomes of Egg Freezing

Read more

Research News: Fertility Preservation Outcome Study in Cancer Patients

Read more

Should I freeze my eggs? Webinar with Dr Lorraine Kassaven

Watch webinar

Related services

Private Gynaecologist Consultation

Private Gynaecologist Consultation

In-depth consultation with a Private Gynaecologist for comprehensive symptom management advice, specialist referrals and care plans for reproductive health conditions.

Fertility Nutrition Consultation

Fertility Nutrition Consultation

Comprehensive consultation with a Registered Nutritionist or dietician, trained in pre-conception and pregnancy nutrition, intuitive eating and PCOS specific nutrition.

Fertility Counselling

Fertility Counselling

Get 1-1 tailored emotional support with our Fertility Counselling Service. Our trained Fertility Counsellor can help you with a wide range of reproductive health-related issues, including infertility and recurrent miscarriage.

Got questions?

How long can I store my eggs for?

Different countries have different laws, but in the UK as of July 2022, you can store your eggs for 55 years, as long as you renew your consent every 10 years.

What is the best age to freeze my eggs?


Technically, you can freeze your eggs at any age before menopause, but eggs retrieved in your 20s and early 30s usually result in better outcomes than those in your late 30s and 40s. This is largely to do with the quality of the eggs at the time they are retrieved, as generally our eggs begin to decline more rapidly from 35 onwards.

Although HFEA data shows 38 is the average age for freezing in the UK, waiting until your late 30s onwards potentially means that a lower quality and quantity of eggs will be retrieved, and you may need more cycles to collect enough eggs.

The optimum age usually suggested is probably late 20s to mid 30s, and, recent research by our Doctors, Dr Lorraine Kasaven and Dr Benjamin Jones looked at data over 10 years and found those who froze their eggs before 36 had better outcomes.

However, a study suggested that from an economic perspective, it is not cost effective for a 25 year old to undergo social freezing if they are looking to delay parenthood because the chances they will conceive naturally are higher and they then might not end up using the frozen eggs.

How many eggs should I aim to freeze?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to egg freezing. Research suggests that the older you are, the more eggs you’ll need to freeze to achieve the same results as someone younger. Some eggs may not survive the egg freezing and thawing process and not all implanted eggs will result in a successful pregnancy or live birth. Our Fertility Advisors will be able to talk you through the process and give you more in depth information depending on your personal circumstances.

How effective is egg freezing?


Egg freezing does not guarantee successful pregnancy or live birth and data on success rates are limited because of it being a relatively new technology. However, one study found that 17.4% of those who froze their eggs had a baby or ongoing pregnancy at the time of analysis.

The HFEA also reports a success rate of 18% in women using their own eggs and a success rate of 30% in women using frozen donor eggs. How effective egg freezing is for you will depend on your personal circumstances and medical history.

Recent research by our Hertility Doctors, showed that out of a total of 373 women who froze their eggs, only 36 returned to use them, which resulted in 12 live births. 82% of the babies were born to those who froze their eggs between the ages of 36 and 39 years of age. Unfortunately, no one who froze their eggs after the age of 40 had a successful pregnancy during the study period.

So what does this mean? Whilst egg freezing has recently become known as a fail-safe way of preserving fertility, this research shows that this is not always the case, and highlights the importance of evidence-based decision-making. It shows that although egg freezing is a viable option for having children later in life, it does not guarantee a successful live birth. Women should be encouraged to freeze their eggs earlier than has been previously thought and be made aware of the risks and low likelihood of success when doing it in their late 30s and 40s.

Can I get egg freezing on the NHS?

Social egg freezing is not funded by the NHS. Egg freezing is available on the NHS for certain medical conditions that can put our fertility at risk. Your GP or specialist will be able to advise about your eligibility for treatment, or you can contact your local ICB.

How much does it cost to freeze my eggs?


If you have to undergo egg freezing because of an underlying health condition or are undergoing a treatment that might affect your fertility, you might be eligible to get NHS funding. If you choose to undergo social egg freezing, you will have to undergo treatment privately, the average cost of having your eggs collected and frozen is about £3,350, with medication being an added £500-£1,500. You will also have to pay an annual storage cost, which can be up to £500 per year. When you are ready to use the eggs, you will have to pay for thawing, fertilisation and transferring them to the womb costs an average of £2,500. So, the whole process for egg freezing and thawing costs an average of up to £7,000-£8,000.

Make sure you get a full cost treatment plan from your clinic so you're not caught out by unexpected costs.

The HFEA website has more information on costs and funding for fertility treatments.

Is freezing your eggs safe?


Egg freezing is a relatively safe procedure, the main risk, although rare, is over-stimulating the ovaries. This condition is known as Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. It can cause severe bloating, stomach pains and nausea.

The first stage of egg freezing involves injecting yourself with hormones, which can make you feel more emotional and on edge. It's totally normal to have emotional ups and downs because it is a difficult journey to navigate. It may not be easy to identify or address how we feel because they are often tangled in, not only our expectations, but also those of our loved ones. But remember—it’s always important to put yourself and your needs first.

What happens to my eggs if I choose not to use them?

You can contact your clinic and withdraw your consent to storing your eggs at any time and your eggs will be disposed of. You may want to consider donating your eggs—either for use in research, training or to be used for someone else's treatment. You will need to discuss this with your clinic, who will be able to provide you with all of the correct information.

Is it harder to get pregnant after freezing eggs?


Egg freezing doesn’t impact your ovarian reserve and won’t impact your ability to conceive naturally.

During each regular menstrual cycle, several follicles begin the maturation process. However, only one egg out of these follicles is released during ovulation and the remaining ones are simply reabsorbed by the body and are no longer useful. The egg freezing process simply mimics this natural process by stimulating the body to mature multiple eggs, and instead of those eggs being reabsorbed by the body, they are collected and frozen.

Whenever you are ready to start your family, should you wish, you can always try conceiving naturally first and keep your frozen eggs as a backup.

Is egg freezing like IVF?


While both procedures are related to fertility, egg freezing is a different procedure, involving different steps to IVF. The egg freezing procedure and the beginning of an IVF cycle are the same, it involves initial investigations, stimulation where you take medication to promote maturation of the eggs, followed by egg collection. At this point, if you are undergoing egg freezing, the eggs will be frozen and stored.

When you are ready to use them in the future, you will have to undergo an IVF cycle to use the eggs. The eggs will be fertilised with sperm and the resulting embryo(s) will be transferred into the uterus in the hopes of a successful pregnancy.

Is egg freezing painful?


Freezing your eggs should not be a painful procedure. The actual procedure is done under sedation, but some people can experience some discomfort or light bleeding afterwards. This is usually nothing to worry about but you can discuss any concerns with your doctor or one of our fertility advisors at any time.