Why Should I Test My Hormones?-image

Why Should I Test My Hormones?

Hormones help to regulate almost all of the body’s processes, including reproductive health and fertility. Testing your hormones regularly can give you insights into your overall health and help you track changes in your menstrual cycle and fertility over time. Here we’ve broken down which hormones you should test and why.  Quick facts: What are hormones? Put simply, hormones are small chemical messengers that travel through the blood to different parts of your body. They help control many different functions from growth and development to metabolism, the menstrual cycles, fertility and mood, just to name a few. Hormones are made by special cells in the endocrine system. Some of the major endocrine glands are: Why are sex hormones important? Sex hormones are a group of hormones that help to regulate the female and male reproductive organs and fertility. They are important not only for reproductive health but for overall health too—often having multiple functions within the body.  The main hormones involved in the female reproductive system are:  Thyroid hormones can also impact your levels of reproductive hormones. Why do you need to test your hormones? Hormones are often involved in complex feedback loops with one another. This means if one hormone gets off balance, it can often disrupt the whole system and bring about multiple, often overlapping symptoms.  Our hormones are also changing constantly, as we age and in response to things like lifestyle factors, medications or external stresses. A change in your hormone levels could be the reason you’re feeling sluggish or slightly emotional, explain your irregular periods or why you’re struggling to get pregnant. Our hormone levels can give us insight into both our overall reproductive health, show our risk factors for certain conditions, explain any unwanted symptoms, or indicate the health of our ovarian reserve and fertility.  Which hormones should I test? Which hormones you need to test and monitor will depend on your individual medical history, symptoms, biometrics and fertility goals. Luckily, our Online Health Assessment is built on a proprietary algorithm that does the leg work for you, recommending you hormone panel personalised to you.  Let’s take a look at each of the main female sex hormones and what testing them could tell you.  Follicle-stimulating hormone One of the main hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle and fertility is follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Its main job is to stimulate your ovaries each month to mature a set of follicles (the sacs that house the immature eggs) into mature eggs.  If FSH gets out of balance, ovulation can be affected, negatively impacting fertility and causing irregular cycles.  FSH levels increase with age. High FSH is usually an indication that ovarian reserver is declining and more FSH is needed to encourage your eggs to grow. This is why monitoring FSH can help you understand the health of your ovaries.  FSH levels will slowly increase with age as your ovarian reserve declines. When your ovarian reserve is finally depleted (and menopause occurs), FSH levels become substantially elevated. This is why FSH is used as an indicator of menopause.  Persistently high FSH levels in someone younger than 40, along with irregular periods and vasomotor symptoms, could indicate premature ovarian insufficiency (POI). This is when someone experiences menopause before the age of 40. FSH levels are usually not recommended as an indicator of menopause beyond the age of 45. Oestrogen (Oestradiol) Oestrogen is an important hormone for the growth and maturation of eggs and the thickening of the uterus lining each cycle. It’s also incredibly important for overall health, regulating bone, heart, skin and hair health, as well as mood.  Oestrogen is made by the ovaries, so monitoring oestrogen levels gives a good indication of how well your ovaries, and menstrual cycle in general, are functioning. Oestrogen levels will fluctuate and eventually significantly drop when your ovarian reserve becomes depleted and menopause occurs. Low oestrogen levels are therefore linked with many symptoms of menopause, such as dry skin and hair, vaginal dryness, hot flushes, brain fog, night sweats, difficulty falling asleep and fatigue.  Luteinising hormone (LH) LH is the hormone responsible for triggering ovulation, which is the release of the mature egg from an ovary each month.  If your LH levels are too low or too high, it can interfere with ovulation. High LH levels are often seen in those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can cause irregular ovulation and issues with periods and fertility. Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH)  is a super important hormone for fertility and overall reproductive health. AMH is made by the small sacs, called follicles, in your ovaries. These follicles house your eggs.  Since AMH is made by the follicles, your AMH levels can therefore give you an insight into your ovarian reserve, or how many eggs you have at the time of testing.  We were all born with all of the eggs we’ll ever have, and as we age, both our egg quality and quantity decline. Generally, our AMH levels will decline with age as our egg count diminishes, unless we have an underlying condition or lifestyle factor which is affecting our AMH levels (like PCOS).  High AMH levels can be an indicator of polycystic ovaries and can be used to diagnose PCOS based on recently updated clinical guidelines. On the other hand, low AMH along with high FSH and low oestrogen is usually an indicator of low ovarian reserve.  AMH is often also used to predict someone’s chances of success during fertility treatment, such as egg freezing and IVF. However, it’s important to remember that AMH can only tell you about the quantity, and not the quality, of your eggs. Testosterone Testosterone can be converted to produce the wonder hormone oestrogen and is also associated with libido, maintaining muscle mass, vaginal health, breast health and bone health.  High levels of testosterone can cause symptoms such as excess body and facial hair, acne, and irregular or absent periods. These symptoms are often seen in women with PCOS which can cause high testosterone. […]

Testosterone 101: Understanding Your Testosterone Levels-image

Testosterone 101: Understanding Your Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is an important androgen hormone in people of all sexes. In this article, we’ll cover exactly what it does in the body, what the symptoms and causes of high or low testosterone are and how you can ensure your levels are balanced and healthy.  Quick facts: What is testosterone? Testosterone is an important hormone for regulating sex drive (libido), bone and muscle mass and fat distribution. It’s part of a group of hormones called androgens.  There are a lot of misconceptions about testosterone being just a “male” hormone. Whilst testosterone plays an important role in the development of the male sex organs and male secondary sex characteristics, people of all sexes have testosterone.  Everyone produces and requires a certain amount of androgen hormones for reproductive development. The difference is just how much testosterone we have based on our sex-at-birth. How is testosterone made? In women and people assigned female-at-birth, testosterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. It’s then converted to hormone–oestrogen. Testosterone production is age-dependent and it gradually declines with age. Most of the testosterone in the body is inactive. It remains bound to a protein called, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). The small amount of testosterone that’s unbound and therefore active, is called freely circulating testosterone (free T).  Free T can enter cells to bring about its effects. Our free T levels are affected by the levels of SHBG. Low levels of SHBG result in higher free testosterone, whereas high levels of SHBG result in lower free testosterone. What does testosterone do in the body? Some of the functions of testosterone are: What are the symptoms of high testosterone? Excess levels of testosterone in the body is called hyperandrogenism. This can bring about symptoms like:  Some studies suggest that high testosterone levels may increase the risk of developing high cholesterol, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. What causes high testosterone levels? The most common causes of high testosterone levels are underlying health conditions. It can also be caused by certain medications and lifestyle factors. Let’s look at the main ones… PCOS Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal and metabolic condition affecting 1 in 10. The exact cause is still being researched, however, the proposed causes include an excess of androgens and insulin, genetic and environmental factors. If you suspect you might have PCOS, our at-home tests can give you a better insight into your hormones.  Congenital andreal hyperplasia Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an inherited condition that affects the adrenal glands. These are small glands located on top of the kidney. They produce hormones like cortisol (stress hormone), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and testosterone. People with CAH are unable to produce an enzyme necessary to regulate the production of these hormones, which can result in an overproduction of testosterone. It’s been found to be more common in some ethnic groups such as people of Hispanic, Mediterranean, Yugoslavian and Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Cushing’s syndrome is another hormonal condition impacting the adrenal glands. It results in excessive cortisol and androgen production. Medications Testosterone levels can rise due to certain medications, such as: Alcohol Excessive alcohol consumption may increase levels of testosterone in premenopausal women, however, research is conflicting.  How to lower my testosterone levels? Treatment for high testosterone depends on the cause, but generally, it is a combination of lifestyle changes and medications. Achieving a healthy weight by including a healthy balanced diet and exercise routine may help with the symptoms of a hormonal balance.  Medications used to treat high testosterone, and associated symptoms include: What are the symptoms of low testosterone? If you’re experiencing low testosterone, you may experience some of the following symptoms:  Low testosterone over a long period may also contribute to long-term health conditions such as heart disease, memory issues and loss of bone density. Often, the symptoms of low testosterone in women are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Some of the conditions that low testosterone may be mistaken for include stress, depression and the side effects of menopausal changes in women. What could cause low testosterone levels? The most common causes of low testosterone levels are often age, underlying conditions and problems with certain glands. Age Testosterone levels naturally decrease as we age. As it’s produced in the ovaries, the natural decrease in ovarian function with age means that some may experience low testosterone levels as they transition from the perimenopausal phase into menopause.  Underlying health conditions Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) can increase your risk of low testosterone. Additionally, surgery, such as the removal of the ovaries, can cause lowered testosterone levels.  Problems with the hypothalamus or pituitary gland Underlying health conditions impacting the pituitary, hypothalamus, or adrenal glands can also cause lowered testosterone levels. This is because these parts of the brain are responsible for the secretion of hormones which control the proper functioning of the ovaries.  A disruption in the pituitary gland can also impact the adrenal gland. Addison’s disease or adrenal insufficiency is a hormonal condition that occurs due to underactive adrenal glands and can cause a low level of its hormones. What can I do to increase my testosterone levels? Low testosterone levels effects and treatments in women are still being researched and treatment is usually recommended only if symptoms are significantly impacting health and quality of life.  Testosterone replacement therapy is a form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) based on the replacement of testosterone. It may be prescribed orally, as injections, gels or skin patches. DHEA is a precursor to testosterone, and it is believed that taking DHEA supplements could increase the amount of testosterone. It is always recommended to speak with a doctor before starting any medication or supplements. How to test testosterone levels? If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, our at-home hormone tests can determine your testosterone levels. Hormone testing is the only way to know what your testosterone levels are for definite.  Our Doctors can recommend a care plan for you, based on your symptoms, hormone levels and specific health goals. Resources:

Understanding the Causes of Infertility-image

Understanding the Causes of Infertility

For many, the journey to parenthood can be a challenging process, both physically and emotionally. We’re here to help you understand the different causes of infertility, and the options available for those who need support. Quick facts: What is infertility? Infertility is defined as not being able to conceive after one year (or longer) of trying. This could be despite having regular unprotected sex with a partner, or trying using methods like artificial insemination (IUI).  There are 2 types of infertility: In the UK, as many as 1 in 7 heterosexual couples experience infertility, yet the causes are sometimes preventative, or treatable.  Causes of infertility  There can be many different reasons why you might struggle to conceive. This can include structural fertility issues, ovulation problems, underlying health conditions and hormonal imbalances. Let’s take a look at each. Ovulation issues  Anovulation, also known as the inability to ovulate, is the most common cause of infertility. Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from one of your ovaries, each month, during your menstrual cycle. The egg travels into the Fallopian tube, where it prepares to be fertilised by a sperm, before then travelling down the tube to the uterus.  When trying to conceive, ovulation is a crucial event, with the 5 days before ovulation and ovulation day itself often referred to as your ‘fertile window’.This is the time of the month when you’ll be most likely to get pregnant.  Research suggests that as many as 25% of infertility cases are caused by anovulation. Anovulation can be caused by: Another possible explanation is a problem with the egg maturation process. This means that an “immature” egg may be released from your ovaries when it is not quite ready and unable to fertilise. Underlying health conditions Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) PCOS is the most common underlying condition affecting fertility. PCOS affects as many as 1 in 10 people with ovaries.  People with PCOS produce higher levels of androgen hormones, like testosterone. This can disrupt your menstrual cycle, ovulation, and balance of cycling hormones—like oestrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone (LH). As PCOS is still under-researched and misunderstood, many people are left undiagnosed and are unaware they have it until they are actively trying to conceive. This is why it’s a good idea to check in on your hormones before you start your conception journey.  Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI)  POI is when the ovaries stop working properly before the age of 40. POI is far less common than PCOS, affecting only 1 in 100 women younger than 40. Your ovaries produce oestrogen and progesterone—two cycling hormones responsible for the regulation of your menstrual cycle. When their function is disrupted, ovulation can also become disrupted or stop completely.  People with POI also have a lower ovarian reserve, meaning fewer eggs for their age. Without a sufficient amount of eggs and the correct level of hormones needed to regulate your cycle, the possibility of conceiving is reduced considerably. According to the National Infertility Association, POI can be caused by genetics, autoimmune factors, induced by chemo or radiotherapy, or it can have an unknown cause. Uterine fibroids Uterine fibroids are noncancerous tumours that affect as many as 25% of people with a uterus. They can cause symptoms such as heavy periods, intermenstrual bleeding, and pelvic pain. In some cases, depending on the location in which they grow, and whether they affect the shape of the uterus or cervix, fibroids can also cause infertility.  This is because they can block the fallopian tubes, stopping eggs from meeting sperm, or reaching the uterus for implantation. They can also get in the way of implantation if they are near the inner lining of the womb.  Despite being less common than other causes of infertility, around 5-10% of infertile women and those assigned female-at-birth are found to have uterine fibroids, with their instance being much more common in Black women.  Endometriosis Endometriosis is a common reproductive health condition that affects around 1 in 10 women and people assigned female-at-birth. With endometriosis, tissue similar to the tissue that makes up the lining of the womb starts to grow in other places, such as the ovaries and the fallopian tubes, causing lesions and scarring.   This can cause several life-altering symptoms, such as painful and heavy periods, pain during or after intercourse and pelvic pain. It is also another common cause of infertility, with research suggesting it is present in around 20-50% of infertility cases. The exact link between endometriosis and infertility is unknown. However, some theories suggest that lesions and scarring can cause structural problems with the reproductive organs and chemical changes in the lining of the uterus. Structural infertility  Structural infertility is a problem with the anatomical structure of the reproductive organs. This can include blockages, structural damage or abnormal growth in the fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries.  Structural issues with the ovaries or fallopian tubes can prevent eggs from being released from the ovaries or stop them from moving through the fallopian tubes to reach a sperm for fertilisation.   Additionally, if the structure of your uterus is abnormal or damaged, it may prevent eggs from implanting into the endometrium (uterus lining). This is needed to create a healthy embryo and pregnancy.  Structural infertility problems can also be caused by scarring from surgery, infections, injuries, or endometriosis.  Also, the growth of noncancerous tissues such as uterine polyps on the lining of the uterus, can cause blockages. Polyps occur when additional tissue grows on your uterus. However, sometimes tissue grows elsewhere in your reproductive system potentially blocking your fallopian tubes and preventing pregnancy.  Implantation failure Other possible explanations of implantation failure are: Infections and auto-immune disorders  Untreated sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may have serious consequences for your fertility. STIs like chlamydia or gonorrhoea can cause scarring and blocking of your Fallopian tubes.  Additionally, if syphilis is left to develop, it can cause stillbirth. There are also other forms of infections of the cervix with human papillomavirus (HPV) that could cause infertility. It’s […]

Veganism and Fertility: How Does a Vegan Diet Impact Your Fertility?-image

Veganism and Fertility: How Does a Vegan Diet Impact Your Fertility?

The vegan diet is often hailed as having many health benefits, but what about when it comes to our fertility? In this article, we’ll cover the benefits veganism can have for your conception journey and which nutritional deficiencies to be aware of with a plant-based diet.  Quick facts: What is a vegan diet? A vegan diet omits any produce derived from animals including meats, fish, dairy products, eggs and even honey. Vegans tend to eat lots of vegetables, fruit, beans, pulses, soya products, tempeh and sometimes meat alternatives.  Plant-based diets have become increasingly popular and ubiquitous in recent years. The Vegan Society estimates that the number of UK vegans has quadrupled over the last five years, with lots of people going either fully or partially vegan for health, environmental or animal welfare concerns.  As veganism grows in popularity, the range of vegan food substitutes has rapidly expanded. You’ll now find different varieties of plant-based milk and the fake meat industry has boomed. As such, adopting a vegan diet is now easier than ever, but will switching to a plant-based diet improve your health and fertility? Health benefits of a vegan diet A vegan diet has a multitude of health benefits. Vegans typically have lower BMI and are up to 78% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. This is because plant-based foods are typically lower in sugars and fat.  Consequently, many people make the switch to a plant-based diet to lose excess weight. Indeed, studies show that individuals following a vegan diet lose more weight on average than those following calorie-restrictive diets. Veganism and fertility benefits Diet and lifestyle factors can greatly impact your fertility. Will veganism boost your fertility? No, not directly. But, that doesn’t mean there aren’t fertility benefits to a vegan diet.  The link between obesity and infertility is well-documented. Being overweight or obese not only makes you less likely to conceive but also increases the risk of miscarriage and pregnancy complications.  In this way, following a vegan diet may be beneficial if you are currently overweight and trying to conceive—helping you to reach a healthy pre-baby body weight.  In addition, following a vegan diet has been shown to decrease your risk of gestational diabetes. However, regardless of the diet you follow, it is important to ensure that you are obtaining all required nutrients when trying to conceive and then throughout pregnancy.  Veganism and fertility risks You can definitely follow a vegan diet and have a healthy pregnancy, but a vegan diet can put you at greater risk of some nutrient deficiencies which may impact your fertility. Whilst a vegan diet may be low-fat, a plant-based diet can increase the risk of certain nutrient deficiencies.  It’s important to remember that with the correct planning, supplementation and nutrition, these deficiencies can be avoided even with a vegan diet.  Iron deficiency Low iron intake can cause anaemia, a condition in which you have a lower-than-normal red blood cell count. As red blood cells are responsible for providing cells with oxygen, anaemia can cause fatigue, breathlessness and headaches, among other symptoms. Iron deficiency is common in pregnancy, even if you eat meat. However, vegans are at a much higher risk of anaemia. Whilst anaemia is detrimental to general health, the direct effects of iron deficiency on conception and fertility remain unclear.  However, anaemia has been shown to increase the risk of preterm birth and can also lead to developmental delays in the foetus. Anaemia can be easily treated by taking iron supplements. Vitamin B12 There is evidence that vitamin B12 deficiency can decrease your infertility and that, in severe cases, vitamin B12 deficiency can cause infertility. This infertility is normally temporary and can be resolved by taking vitamin B12 supplements.  In addition, vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause anaemia. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products such as milk, eggs and meat, and is essential for metabolism. With the exception of fortified cereals, vitamin B12 is not found in plant-based foods and so vegans are often unable to obtain sufficient vitamin B12 from their diet. Therefore, to avoid health risks and maintain good reproductive health, it is really important that vegans take vitamin B12 supplements.   Vitamin D Whilst we obtain vitamin D from sunlight, it is also found in lots of animal products. As such, vegans can be at risk of vitamin D deficiency, particularly throughout the winter months. It’s generally recommended that everyone in the UK take a vitamin D supplement throughout the autumn and winter regardless of their diet or conception plans. The links between vitamin D deficiency and fertility are unclear and require further research. However, observational studies indicate that vitamin D deficiency is a risk marker for subfertility (not being able to conceive after a year of trying). Therefore, if you are following a vegan diet whilst trying to conceive, it is worthwhile taking vitamin D supplements. Deciding if a vegan diet is right for you Switching to a plant-based diet may seem daunting, but if you ensure you’re eating a balanced diet with the correct nutrition and supplements, there is little risk to a vegan diet whilst trying to conceive.  In fact, arguably, with the required vitamins and supplements, the preconception health benefits to a vegan diet are significant. A vegan diet won’t work for everyone, but if you want to get healthy before trying to conceive then it may be worth giving it a go. Even switching to a plant-based diet for a few meals a week has been shown to have health benefits. If you need some help with your diet and nutrition to switch to a plant-based diet, book a consultation with one of our fertility Nutritionists today. Resources:

Hormonal Acne: The Culprits Behind Your Skin Stress-image

Hormonal Acne: The Culprits Behind Your Skin Stress

We’re all sold the ideal of perfect skin by skin care companies. But sometimes the cause of our breakouts is more than skin deep. So how do we know if our skin troubles are hormone-related? Read on to find out. Quick facts: What is hormonal acne? Hormonal acne is acne or breakouts that are related to hormonal fluctuations or imbalances.  Typically hormonal acne is found on the lower face, cheeks and jawline chest, neck, shoulders and back. Hormonal acne can affect people of all ages. Whilst it’s common during puberty when lots of hormonal changes are occurring, it can also be common as an adult, especially for women and people who menstruate, due to hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle. What causes hormonal acne? Your skin has many small glands, called sebaceous glands, that produce an oily substance called sebum. Sebum helps keep your skin supple, smooth and healthy.  These glands also have receptors for our sex hormones, particularly androgens like testosterone, and oestrogen. Both of these hormones stimulate the production of sebum. When excess sebum is produced, this buildup causes visibly oilier skin and can clog the pores, resulting in inflammation and acne breakouts. Hormonal acne and androgens When our bodies produce excess amounts of androgens, it can cause hormonal acne and other skin problems. If androgen levels are higher than normal, there is more androgen binding to the sebaceous gland receptors, promoting more sebum production.  There can be lots of reasons for elevated androgens. A common cause is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Those who experience PCOS are more likely to experience excess androgen-related symptoms like acne, excessive facial and body hair growth (hirsutism) and skin darkening.  Trans and non-binary people who begin taking testosterone as part of their transition journey may also notice acne breakouts because of raised androgen levels. Hormonal acne and oestrogen Sebum production is also influenced by the menstrual cycle, specifically by the hormone oestrogen.  Oestrogen fluctuates throughout the menstrual cycle. It’s at its lowest level during your period and gradually rises to a peak at ovulation, around the mid-point in your cycle. Although the impact of oestrogen on the sebaceous glands is not fully known, it has been shown to suppress sebum production at high levels. Therefore when your oestrogen levels are higher, generally your skin will be clearer. This is why lots of people experience hormonal acne flare-ups just before or during their periods when oestrogen levels are low.  Oestrogen is also associated with increased collagen production, skin thickness, skin hydration and wound healing—which all contribute to clear-looking, healthy skin. After menopause, your oestrogen drops. Some people find that this drop causes hormonal acne and may also leave their skin dry, itchy and saggy. For some individuals, HRT to reduce the symptoms of menopause can also cause hormonal acne. How to treat hormonal acne? If you think you suspect you’re suffering from hormonal acne, there a number of treatments you can explore.  Firstly, if you’re not already, begin tracking when you have flare-ups and your periods. You can do this with a period tracking app or just using a calendar. This will help you to understand when in your cycle you’re getting flare-ups and whether it could be due to hormonal fluctuations during your cycle.  Testing your hormones will be able to give you answers as to whether you have raised androgen levels. Our at-home hormone tests can help you identify any hormonal imbalances.  There are topical treatments available that can help with flare-ups, as well as some contraceptives like the combined pill that has anti-androgenic properties. Lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, stress and alcohol reduction can also have a significant impact.  If you’re struggling with your skin, don’t suffer in silence. Reach out to us and get on a plan to find the root cause of your skin issues. References:  

Hypothalamic Amenorrhea: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments-image

Hypothalamic Amenorrhea: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) is when your menstrual cycle and ovulation are interrupted due to the influence of the hypothalamus gland, located in the brain.  In this article we run through common symptoms, the causes and treatment options available. Quick facts: What causes hypothalamic amenorrhea? The hypothalamus is a small region of the brain that plays a crucial role in lots of important bodily functions. It controls the release of certain hormone and helps to regulate body temperature, sleep patterns, hunger and the menstrual cycle.  It is a commonly occurring condition in women with eating disorders, athletes or dancers or those with a low body mass index (BMI) Hypothalamic amenorrhea is caused specifically by issues in the functioning of the hypothalamus. The function of the hypothalamus can be disrupted by lots of different things, usually lifestyle factors.  Common disruptors include: Symptoms of hypothalamic amenorrhea Common symptoms include: What causes menstrual cycle disruption When you eat too little or exercise too much, the body perceives this as stress. This can lead to severe fluctuations in a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). This is the main hormone regulated by the hypothalamus.  GnRH influences the production of other hormones, including those involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle.  Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), needed to mature an egg each cycle and luteinising hormone (LH), needed for the release of the mature egg each cycle, can become disrupted as they both rely on GnRH.  FSH and LH, in turn, regulate oestrogen and progesterone production by the ovaries. Oestrogen helps the eggs to mature and progesterone prepares the uterus lining for a fertilised egg. Typically, a rise and fall in FSH, LH, oestrogen and progesterone is what controls the menstrual cycle. If a disruption happens at the hypothalamic level, the hormonal cascade is affected, resulting in low FSH, LH and oestrogen. Essentially, this is just your body trying to protect you. It’s putting your basic energy needs ahead of your reproductive health, which is why your periods become irregular. How can hypothalamic amenorrhea be diagnosed? It is usually a “diagnosis of exclusion,” which requires healthcare providers to rule out other conditions that could be interrupting the menstrual cycle. Your doctor may consider the following blood hormone tests to base their diagnosis on:  GnRH levels are tested to analyse the function of the hypothalamus, with a low GnRH result being indicative of a dysfunctional hypothalamus. Low levels of FSH, LH and E2, may also indicate hypothalamic amenorrhea.  High levels of prolactin can also lead to irregular or absent periods. Testosterone levels are analysed to eliminate the possibility of hyperandrogenism (high androgen levels) and  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).  Thyroid-stimulating hormone is analysed to rule out the influence of thyroid gland disorders. Human chorionic gonadotropin is purely tested to confirm or eliminate the possibility of pregnancy influencing your periods. Hypothalamic amenorrhea treatments If you’ve received a diagnosis of hypothalamic amenorrhea, your pathway to care and treatment options will usually be tailored according to the cause. Healthy lifestyle habits, diet and exercise routine modifications can help improve your symptoms, and make them more manageable. If you think you may be experiencing any of the symptoms above, reach out to us.  Hertility can help you with your initial hormone testing, along with a comprehensive Doctor-written report analysing your results. We can also support you with any onward care or treatments you may need, including tele-consultations with specialists.  Resources:

Folic Acid Supplements: Why They’re Vital for Preconception Care-image

Folic Acid Supplements: Why They’re Vital for Preconception Care

Folic acid is a vital preconception supplement. But what makes folic acid so important? How and when should you be taking it? We’ve broken down everything you need to know about folic acid for preconception care. Read on to get clued up. Quick facts: What is folic acid?  Folic acid is the man-made version of the vitamin folate, a form of vitamin B9. It is used by our bodies to make new cells and is needed to support the rapid growth of foetal tissues and organs in early pregnancy.  Unfortunately, our bodies do not store folic acid, which is why we must get our supply from certain foods and supplements. Why is folic acid important for pre-conception and pregnancy? Folic acid is important in helping your unborn child’s brain, skull and spinal cord to develop properly. It reduces the risk of potential neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, by 70%.  Whilst spina bifida is not that common, it can create significant problems for its sufferers that affect everyday life. These include problems with mobility and movement, bladder and bowel problems and learning difficulties.  Folic acid is also used to: When should you start taking folic acid? The advised amount of folic acid to take daily is 400mcg. However, some people may need a higher dose if they have a higher risk of having a pregnancy affected by neural tube defects.  You may have a higher risk if:  In these cases, your doctor will be able to advise the correct dosage you should be consuming to keep your child protected. Which foods contain natural forms of folic acid? You can also find the natural form of folic acid or folate, in certain foods. Introducing these to your diet will increase your folate levels: However, the amount of folic acid in these foods is often not enough to provide your baby with the best protection, so it is important to add the tablet form to your daily routine too. Understanding preconception nutrition If you’re looking for some help understanding your preconception or pregnancy nutrition, you can book a call with one of our Fertility Nutritionists.  Our nutritionists will work with you and recommend a personalised nutrition plan for your specific fertility goals, taking into consideration your medical history and lifestyle. Get in touch today if we can help.