How to manage your PCOS with exercise-image

How to manage your PCOS with exercise

PCOS is one of the most common reproductive health conditions. Some of the most common symptoms people struggle with are physical symptoms such as issues with weight; skin and hair related issues such as acne or excessive hair growth and irregular periods. These are mainly driven through disrupted hormones. Androgens are a group of hormones, including testosterone,  that are made in the ovaries and are often found at much higher levels in women with PCOS, called “hyperandrogenism”. Insulin is also found to be at much higher levels, due to insulin resistance. Normally, Insulin helps manage blood sugar levels, helping cells absorb glucose. Insulin resistance is when the body no longer responds to normal levels of insulin. This can result in excess amounts of insulin being produced, misregulated blood sugar levels and metabolism issues like weight gain and type 2 diabetes. Women are also 3 times more likely to experience mental health related symptoms like anxiety, depression or body image issues. Unfortunately there is currently no cure for PCOS, however, there are  treatment options  aimed to manage symptoms.  Think you might have PCOS? Check your hormones Benefits of regular exercise Regular exercise can be an extremely effective way to help manage PCOS symptoms. Some experts suggest exercise as a first port of call for PCOS management but can also work alongside medications like metformin for increased effects, particularly for improving cycle related issues (1). Exercise can have positive effects on physical, hormonal and mental health related issues including: How much exercise is recommended? For a healthy lifestyle, preventing weight gain and maintaining health: Adults should do a minimum of 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity or a combination of both and include muscle-strengthening activities Young women should do 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous activity per day including those that strengthen muscle at least three times a week Activity can be done in 10-minute bursts or around 1000 steps, aiming to do at least 30 minutes on most days. For those who have a goal to lose weight, prevent weight regain or achieve greater health benefits more exercise is needed: A minimum of 250 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity or 150 minutes a week of vigorous activity or a combination of both Muscle-strengthening activity on 2 non-consecutive days of the week. Overall, aim for around 30 minutes per day. Of this, 90 minutes per week should be more active or aerobic activities (running, biking, fast pace walking etc.) at a moderate to high intensity to optimise clinical outcomes (see table below for suggested activities). Remember physical activity includes walking, activity at work, household chores, sports and planned exercise. Choose an exercise you like and if possible exercise with friends or others to increase your motivation. Mixing up exercise will also help with motivation. Benefits for your body What are the benefits of exercise on PCOS? PCOS can affect the body’s metabolism making it harder to lose weight and also affect where fat is stored. Visceral fat (fat in the abdomen and around your organs) tends to be increased in those with PCOS. Alongside this, there is an increased risk of long-term health issues including obesity, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Regular physical activity can help improve body composition and is extremely beneficial for reducing these risks.  In general aerobic exercise (or cardio), like running, swimming or cycling, is great for reducing blood pressure and improving heart health. Increasing your daily energy expenditure (the amount of energy you burn in a day) can help with losing weight by creating a calorie deficit (burning more calories than you consume). Women with PCOS who had greater vigorous activity levels were found to have less visceral fat (2). A 6 month study introducing an exercise regime of 30 mins aerobic exercise 3 times a week saw a reduction in waist circumference (as a measure of visceral fat), and improvements in menstrual cycle patterns (3).  What type of exercise is best? There is a lack of evidence supporting any one type and intensity of exercise being better than another for metabolic, hormonal, reproductive or psychological outcomes. The International guidelines and majority of studies have focused on aerobic exercise routines, however, resistance training (exercise designed to improve muscle strength or endurance) such as weight lifting, has big benefits too. Resistance training has a positive effect on body composition by increasing muscle mass, which can contribute to increasing your energy expenditure. In studies focusing on resistance training for women with PCOS, a reduction in visceral fat and an increase in lean muscle mass was seen (4). It is also important to know that exercise without weight loss or only moderate weight loss can still lead to a reduction in visceral fat and improve insulin sensitivity. Think of being active as often as you can through the day, for example take stairs instead of lifts, park further away from shops etc. Can exercise improve chances of conceiving? Improvements in reproduction have been seen in women with minimal weight loss – so the scales are not the be all and end all! The NHS states as little as 5% reduction bodyweight can help improve symptoms (5). Other important lifestyle factors to consider, particularly for managing weight, are issues with appetite regulation – if this is something you are struggling with you can speak to one of our Fertility Nutrition Consultation. Benefits for your hormones  Insulin resistance is common among those with PCOS and can contribute to many of the symptoms like dark skin patches, fatigue and weight issues. This goes hand in hand with visceral fat and general inflammation throughout the body.  This is believed to be associated with greater levels of visceral fat and amount of visceral fat Women who had greater levels of physical activity, had better chances of normal insulin responses (6)  and reduced chances of inflammation (7).  Excess insulin can increase the production of androgens in the ovaries, contributing to hyperandrogenism. […]

12 Reproductive Health Awareness Days for Your Organisations Event Calendar -image

12 Reproductive Health Awareness Days for Your Organisations Event Calendar 

Over the last five years in the UK alone, 1 in 5 employees undergoing fertility treatment left their jobs due to insufficient support from their employers—and a further 1 million women left their workplaces because of debilitating menopausal symptoms. These are just a couple of the stats that highlight the growing importance of workplace reproductive health benefits as an integral part of employee wellbeing.  As the adage goes, knowledge is power and one of the best places to start is ensuring your employees have ample access to educational resources surrounding their reproductive health.  Awareness days offer purposeful opportunities to provide employees with education and celebration over a range of important issues. This can in turn foster your organisation’s culture whilst making your employees feel seen and supported.  This 2024, why not build some of the following key female reproductive health-focused awareness days into your internal events calendar?  2024 Calendar of Reproductive Health Awareness Days 1. International Women’s Day When: March 8th 2024 What: A globally recognised campaign that celebrates women’s achievements social, economic and political achievements whilst raising awareness for gender equality.  2. National Endometriosis Action Month When: March 2024 What: A globally recognised month of action for the 1 in 10 people assigned female at birth who suffer from the reproductive health condition endometriosis.  3. National Infertility Awareness Week  When: April 21st – 27th 2024 What: A UK-focused awareness week highlighting the challenges, mental and physical, faced by those struggling with infertility. 4. Black Maternal Health Week When: April 11th – 17th 2024 What: A globally recognised week to amplify Black female voices and raise awareness for the historically higher maternal mortality rates in Black women.  5. Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week When: 29th – 5th May 2024 What: A global weeklong campaign dedicated to awareness around mental health struggles before, during and after pregnancy.  6. National Women’s Health Week When: May 12th – 15th 2024 What: A UK-focused weeklong campaign encouraging women and girls to make their health, physical and social wellbeing a priority. 7. Fibroids Awareness Month When: July 2024 What: A globally recognised month to raise awareness about uterine fibroids that affect around 2 in 3 women.   8. Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month  When: September 2024 What: A globally recognised month to support those who’ve been diagnosed with or indirectly affected by ovarian cancer.  9. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Month When: September 2024 What: A globally recognised month of action for the 1 in 10 people assigned female at birth who suffer from the reproductive health condition PCOS.  10. Menopause Awareness Month When: October 2024 What: A globally recognised awareness month focused on breaking the stigma surrounding menopause, including World Menopause Day on the 18th of October. 11. Baby Loss Awareness Week When: October 9th – 15th  What: A UK-focused week-long event dedicated to supporting those who have suffered pregnancy or infant loss.  12. National Fertility Awareness Week When: October 30th – 5th November What: A UK-focused weeklong campaign initiated to raise awareness about fertility issues, treatments and reproductive health education.  What next? Embedding reproductive health awareness into an organisation’s event calendar is an imperative step toward fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. The alarming statistics revealing the impact of insufficient support on employee retention underline the urgency of addressing these issues.  By incorporating key awareness days and campaigns, such as International Women’s Day, National Endometriosis Action Month, and Menopause Awareness Month, employers can provide educational resources and celebrate the diverse aspects of female reproductive health. This not only promotes a sense of acknowledgement and support for employees but also contributes to a workplace environment that values the holistic well-being of its people.  At Hertility, we’re shaping the future of the workplace by supporting companies to become Reproductively ResponsibleTM. One way that we do this is through a range of CPD-accredited educational workshops that focus on female fertility and reproductive health. Ultimately, our aim is to change attitudes around reproductive health, both for individuals and in the workplace, and to encourage everyone to be proactive by tracking their reproductive health. We’re calling this the Reproductive Revolution! If you’d like to take proactive steps in this direction in 2024, get in touch – 

Menopause Age Calculator: Can You Predict it?-image

Menopause Age Calculator: Can You Predict it?

Whilst it might be tempting to want to predict the age you may experience menopause, calculators and predictions are generally not thought to be medically accurate. But there are a few things you can do to prepare for menopause. Read on to find out.  Quick facts: Can you predict menopause? It’s normal to be curious about the age at which you’ll reach menopause. We get it—you want to feel prepared and plan ahead for big life changes. Despite advances in technology and science, there’s no definitive menopause age calculator or test that can predict the age you’ll reach menopause with any certainty.  While there’s more research being carried out into predicting the age of menopause, there’s simply no one-size-fits-all approach as menopause is so dependent on your individual hormonal make-up. Since multiple factors contribute to the onset of menopause, a menopause age calculator won’t be accurate. There are, however, some factors that can affect when in life you may reach menopause—like your genetics, lifestyle choices and medical history. If you’re experiencing symptoms that may be related to menopause or perimenopause, then book an appointment to speak to one of our Menopause Specialists who can provide advice, and guidance as well as HRT prescriptions. What is menopause? You reach menopause once you have not experienced a period for more than 12 months.  It’s a natural biological process that marks the end of your reproductive years.  Biologically, your hormones are shifting, and most notably, there’s a massive dip in oestrogen —the hormone that plays a key role in regulating your menstrual cycle and supporting your reproductive health. This hormonal change can bring on physical and emotional symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood changes, problems sleeping and irregular periods.  These changes can start happening years before you even reach menopause. This phase is called perimenopause. There are ways you can offset and support your perimenopause symptoms. During perimenopause, your body is adjusting to the hormonal changes and you will gradually stop producing the hormones that control and bring about your periods, causing your periods to eventually stop altogether.Once your hormones rebalance post-menopause, many report feeling like they’ve got a new lease of life. This is why menopause is often nicknamed “the second spring”—a chance for new beginnings, which is often welcome after a time of massive change in the perimenopause. The myth of menopause prediction Just like each one of us is unique, the age we reach menopause is too.  Limited research in this area means that not even the experts can determine the age you’ll reach menopause. It’s easier to want to turn to a definitive answer, but more often than not, this oversimplified prediction isn’t backed up with scientific evidence. There are too many individual variations for them to be reliable. Menopause age calculators also don’t take into consideration any external factors that are difficult to measure, for example, exposure to pollutants and other environmental factors, or exposure to stress. Ultimately, any factors that can impact your hormones can impact the onset of menopause. Average age for menopause The average age for the onset of menopause in the UK is 51, with most people reaching menopause between the ages of 45-55. A small percentage experience early menopause or premature menopause (premature ovarian insufficiency) before the age of 40. Factors that influence menopause timing Three key areas may indicate when you start menopause: your genetics, your medical history, and your lifestyle. Genetic influences Research suggests that you can roughly predict the age you’ll reach menopause according to when other females in your family like your mother or sister reached theirs.  Studies suggest there may be a familial pattern and even certain genetic markers that indicate the age of menopause onset. However, while genetics play a crucial role, other factors, such as your medical history and lifestyle factors come into play too. For example, you may have a different upbringing from other female relations in terms of where you live, whether you have any underlying health conditions and what you’ve consumed in your diet and lifestyle over the years. Lifestyle and medical history  Lifestyle choices, such as whether you are overweight or underweight (or have a low or high BMI) from nutrition and exercise patterns, or whether you smoke or drink alcohol impact the age you reach menopause. This is because poor lifestyle choices can negatively affect your reproductive and overall health. They can impact your ovarian reserve and hormones and bring on menopause sooner. Biological factors can impact your menopausal age including: The wide variation of genetics, lifestyle and medical history amongst individuals makes it difficult to predict the age you’ll reach menopause. Understanding your body’s signals Becoming attuned to your body’s signals can help you predict when you’re approaching menopause. A key factor, often coined “the fifth vital sign”, is your menstrual cycle. Your menstrual cycle is considered regular if your cycle lasts roughly the same amount of days, e.g. between 21 and 35 days each cycle.  Irregular periods are one of the first signs of perimenopause you might notice, along with things like hot flashes, trouble sleeping, lowered sex drive and vaginal dryness. To find out what’s going on inside, you could take a Hertility Hormone and Fertility Test. This will give you a report indicating your hormone levels, and you can speak with a Menopause Specialist to make sense of your results and discuss your next steps. If you have questions about the age of your menopause, it’s best to speak with a healthcare professional for the most reliable information. They can advise you on your individual menopause experience with as much support as possible instead of focusing on predicting the age you’ll get there. Preparing for menopause Maintaining health and well-being is crucial for navigating menopause with ease. Adopt a healthy lifestyle with balanced nutrition and regular exercise to improve your mood, maintain a healthy weight and support your vitality. Limit alcohol and smoking, manage stress and make sure you’re getting enough sleep to balance your […]

Thyroid Hormones 101 – What Do Your Thyroid Levels Mean?-image

Thyroid Hormones 101 – What Do Your Thyroid Levels Mean?

Thyroid hormones are made in the thyroid gland and play a crucial role in regulating many different body functions. But what happens when these hormones get out of balance and what is a thyroid disorder? Read on to find out.  Quick facts: What are thyroid hormones? Thyroid hormones are incredibly important hormones for overall health. They play a crucial role in influencing many, many different bodily processes.   There are three thyroid hormones—TSH, T4 and T3. Each has a different function in the body which we’ll explain in a second.  TSH is made in the pituitary gland in the brain. TSH then stimulates the thyroid gland—a butterfly-shaped gland in your throat to produce T4 and T3. What are the different types of thyroid hormones? There are three main thyroid hormones: What do thyroid hormones do in the body? Thyroid hormones play an essential role in many different functions of the body, including: The thyroid hormone feedback loop Just like lots of hormones, our thyroid hormones are all linked—involved in what’s known as a feedback loop. Essentially they all depend on each other to work optimally.  Here’s how the thyroid feedback loop works: Can thyroid hormones become imbalanced? Yes. Thyroid imbalances, known as thyroid disorders, are really common and can disrupt many aspects of your health—bringing on a whole range of unwanted symptoms.  1 in 8 women are estimated to develop thyroid problems during their lifetime. Thyroid disorders are caused by either an underactive thyroid (known as hypothyroidism) or an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). Let’s take a look at each in turn. Hypothyroidism: an underactive thyroid Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid isn’t producing enough T4 (and sometimes T3). This means you have an abnormally high level of TSH, compared to your T4 and/or T3 levels. Because of the thyroid hormone feedback loop, when T3 and T4 are low our brains will overcompensate. This means you’ll produce more TSH to try and boost your T3 and T4 levels. This results in the classic low T3 and T4 levels paired with high TSH reading seen in hypothyroidism. Symptoms of an underactive thyroid  Hypothyroid symptoms include: Having an underactive thyroid can also increase the risk of developing long-term health problems such as cardiovascular conditions, insulin resistance, nerve damage and a swollen enlarged thyroid (goitre).  Causes of an underactive thyroid Hypothyroidism can be caused by a range of factors including age, poorly balanced diets and pre-existing medical conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Additionally, taking certain medications such as oestrogen-containing hormonal contraception and high doses of steroids can interfere with thyroid function.  Treatments for an underactive thyroid Hypothyroidism is typically treated with a medication called Levothyroxine that replaces T4. Cytomel, a T3 replacement, may also be required in specific cases. Lifestyle changes can also improve your thyroid function. Eating iodine-rich foods like milk and dairy products and adding more white fish, eggs, beans, pulses or red meat into your diet can help. Stress is a big factor in many hormone imbalances and conditions. So, like always, try to find a stress management method that works for you. If you smoke, consider quitting. Cutting down on your alcohol intake can help too. Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid An overactive thyroid means you’re making too much T4 and T3. This triggers your brain to make less TSH—giving the characteristic low TSH paired with high T3 and T4. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism: Causes of an overactive thyroid Much like an underactive thyroid, lifestyle factors like poor diet, smoking, alcohol and stress can cause an overactive thyroid.  Genetics, autoimmune disorders like diabetes or Grave’s disease in addition to long-term problems with cardiovascular health and weight loss are associated with an overactive thyroid. Excess iodine consumption has also been linked to an overactive thyroid. Be mindful of rich sources of iodine like kelp and seaweed and take extra care to check any supplements. Treatments for an overactive thyroid Prescription medications like carbimazole can be prescribed to decrease the function of your thyroid. Beta-blockers can also provide symptom relief from a racing heart or heart palpitations. If needed, surgical intervention to partially remove your thyroid gland can also be an option. Can a thyroid imbalance affect fertility? Thyroid disorders can affect your fertility indirectly, because of the various issues they can cause to your metabolism and other hormones. One study demonstrated that 76% of women who fixed their thyroid were able to conceive between 6 weeks to 1 year afterwards.  Thyroid disorders can indirectly cause: Why should I test my thyroid hormones? If you suspect you have an issue with your thyroid or are experiencing any hormonal symptoms, testing your thyroid levels is the best place to start to help you understand whether you may be suffering from a thyroid disorder.  Most thyroid function tests will not measure T3 unless you are known to have problems with your thyroid. This is because you are unlikely to have abnormal levels of T3 without having abnormal levels of TSH and/or T4. Resources:

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause: Is HRT right for you?-image

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause: Is HRT right for you?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a common treatment for easing menopause symptoms, like hot flashes, brain fog, joint pain, low mood and low libido. But how does it work and what are the signs you need hormone replacement therapy? Read on to find out. Quick facts: HRT explained Hormone Replacement Therapy for menopause is a treatment that uses hormones to relieve the symptoms of menopause and to prevent health problems that can occur after menopause.  The hormones commonly used in HRT are oestrogen, progesterone and sometimes testosterone. It does what it says on the tin—replaces the hormones that are declining in your body during this natural part of ageing, with synthetic or bioidentical hormones. These hormones mimic your natural hormones, relieving symptoms.  HRT can be taken in a variety of ways, including pills, patches, gels, sprays, vaginal cream and pessaries. The best method to take HRT will depend on your individual needs, preferences and medical history. Do you need HRT? You can take HRT to relieve menopause symptoms if you’re in perimenopause (the years leading up to menopause before your periods stop) or postmenopause.  Challenging symptoms like brain fog, night sweats, vaginal dryness, reduced sex drive, insomnia and concentration issues can interrupt your daily life. Hormone replacement therapy helps to restore hormonal balance to provide relief. Whether or not you’ll need HRT will depend on your symptoms and physiology and is always a personal choice. For personalised advice, you can book an appointment with one of our Menopause Specialists.  They can prescribe HRT based on your individual needs and preferences and can offer expert guidance on navigating symptoms and treatment options. Different types of HRT There are different types of HRT to choose from. Which type is right for you will depend on: HRT options can contain different hormones, including oestrogen, progestogen, a combination of both, and sometimes testosterone. HRT can be taken in different ways tablets, including patches, gels, sprays, implants, coils, or creams. It can also be taken using different regimens, including cyclical or sequential treatments, or continuous treatments.  Tablets Tablets are one of the most common ways of taking HRT. You usually take them once a day. Tablets are available in both oestrogen-only and as combined HRT.  Although it’s small, the risk of developing blood clots is higher with tablets compared to other HRT methods like patches, gels and sprays. Skin patches HRT patches are available in both oestrogen-only and combined. They are stuck to the skin, usually on the lower half of your body, and gradually release small amounts of hormones through the skin. You’ll usually change your skin patch every few days. Patches could be a preferred option if you have difficulty swallowing tablets, get indigestion or are likely to forget to take tablets. Some patches can leave marks and cause redness or irritation. Oestrogen skin gels and sprays You apply oestrogen-only skin gels by smoothing them onto your skin. Apply sprays by spraying them on the inside of your arm or thigh once a day. Your body absorbs the oestrogen gradually. Vaginal oestrogen Low-dose vaginal oestrogen is also available in tablets, pessaries, creams or vaginal rings that you insert into your vagina. This can help to provide relief for particular menopause symptoms like vaginal dryness and pain during sex (dyspareunia). Testosterone Like oestrogen and progesterone, menopause also causes your testosterone to decline. This can make you feel tired, unmotivated and low in libido. While testosterone isn’t currently licensed to treat menopause symptoms in the UK, specialists may prescribe it. It’s given in the form of a gel that you can rub over the skin where it’s gradually absorbed. Although uncommon, possible side effects of taking testosterone include acne, unwanted hair growth and weight gain. Intrauterine system (IUS) or Mirena coil If you have a womb and are using oestrogen-only HRT, you’ll need to also take a form of progesterone HRT to protect against endometrial cancer. You can do this with the Mirena coil, an intrauterine system (IUS). Inserted into your womb, the Mirena coil gradually releases progestogen (levonorgestrel) into your body. Once inserted, the Mirena coil can stay in place for up to five years and double up as contraception to prevent pregnancy. Benefits and risks of HRT Like other medications, there are benefits and risks associated with HRT. Benefits of HRT Most of the symptoms of menopause are associated with declining oestrogen levels. People have found that HRT is useful to manage symptoms including:  There are several long-term effects associated with low oestrogen. Taking HRT can help to reduce the risk of: Risks of HRT The risks of any serious side effects are usually very low, and depend on: HRT can slightly increase the risk of breast cancer. If you’ve had breast cancer or have a family history of it you’ll usually be advised not to take HRT.  Currently, the risk of breast cancer when using HRT has been found to be an extra 5 in every 1000 women who take combined HRT for 5 years. The risk increases the longer you take it, and the older you are. It falls again after you stop taking it.  Oral HRT can increase the risk of blood clots and in rare cases, stroke. If your medical history would indicate that you are at an increased risk of blood clots or strokes you should be recommended HRT patches, spray or gel rather than tablets, which have been found to not carry this risk. Weighing up the risks and benefits of taking HRT needs to be considered on an individual basis. It has been found in more recent studies that usually the benefits outweigh the risks and why HRT is now so commonly used. If you haven’t had a hysterectomy, you’ll need to take oestrogen and progesterone combined to protect against cancer. Oestrogen thickens the womb lining which can increase the risk of developing endometrial cancer. Progesterone helps to protect against it by ensuring the lining is shed regularly. The HRT timeline: How long before results? Once […]

Stress and Periods: How Stress Affects Your Menstrual Cycle-image

Stress and Periods: How Stress Affects Your Menstrual Cycle

Stress is bad news, period. It can affect the menstrual cycle, and just about every other bodily process. In this article we’ll cover exactly what stress is, the science behind it, how it can impact our periods, and some top tips for managing it. Quick facts: What is stress? Stress is defined as a state of worry caused by a difficult situation. It’s always been a part of human life and is a fundamental element for our survival.  Stress is a natural part of life and impacts us almost daily. Whilst a small amount of stress can actually be good for us (believe it or not), chronic stress and burnout can end up negatively impacting almost all of our body’s processes—including our menstrual cycles. The bodily changes you feel when you’re stressed are akin to what your ancestors felt when they were running away from life-threatening predators. Except, nowadays, predators take on the shapes of boardrooms, bosses and bills. Stress is classed as a state of ‘disharmony’, disrupting the carefully coordinated balance that your body is consistently fine-tuning. Usually, your body’s reaction to stress is temporary and it’s able to revert to its previous state.   However, it’s increasingly common to be exposed to prolonged periods of stress or several different, unresolved stressors, which cannot be adapted to—resulting in chronic stress. This can feel never-ending and all-encompassing, impacting both our mental and physical health.  This is the type of stress linked to depression, fertility issues and other health problems. The science behind stress The body’s reaction to stress is coordinated by something called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis). The hypothalamus, in the brain, helps encourage the production of hormones like cortisol aka stress hormone (1). These kickstart the body’s stress response and divert the brain’s attention away from other processes, like coordinating your reproductive system. When we are chronically stressed, our cortisol remains constantly high. This can put us in a constant state of ‘fight or flight’, leading to the body being unable to adequately support other bodily functions. What is a ‘normal’ period? To understand how stress may affect your menstrual cycle, it’s important to understand what a ‘normal’ or average cycle looks like. A ‘normal cycle’ can last anywhere from 21 to 35 days, depending on the individual.   A one-off longer or shorter cycle is still considered normal, but if yours are consistently irregular, it’s worth getting checked out as they could be caused by an underlying health condition, such as PCOS. Can stress affect your period? Stress can affect your period in many different ways. This is because your menstrual cycle and your body’s response to stress are both coordinated by the same part of the brain—the hypothalamus. If you have high cortisol it can disrupt the hypothalamus, disrupting the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).  GnRH controls the production and regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH), two hormones incredibly important for the regulation of the menstrual cycle.  If FSH and LH become disrupted, you’re likely to experience disruptions to ovulation and menstrual cycle regularity. This can also disrupt sexual desire and arousal. One study found that women experiencing high levels of stress showed lower levels of sexual desire, linked to elevated cortisol levels. Can stress delay your period? Elevated cortisol levels as a result of stress can effectively delay ovulation by blocking the release of LH. Without a surge in LH, you won’t ovulate. This can make your cycles longer and potentially heavier. On the flip side, high levels of stress are also associated with shorter cycles. Can stress stop your period? In situations of chronic stress, ovulation can be prevented for long periods of time (known as chronic anovulation), stopping your period altogether. This can be due to psychological stress but also periods of intense exercise or eating disorders. Missing periods due to stress is called functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea. How do I know if stress is the cause of my menstrual cycle changes? Without the analysis of a medical professional or hormone test, it’s not possible to know for certain that stress is the cause of your menstrual cycle changes.  Lifestyle factors often work in tandem. Changes to your cycle may be because of a handful of interacting factors. That being said, there are steps you can take to get a better idea of whether stress could be behind your period irregularities.  Tracking your periods and symptoms, either with a period tracking app or just using a calendar or diary can help you understand if stress is linked to your cycle. Make a note of how irregular or regular your periods are and any symptoms like pain, acne and how you’re feeling emotionally, including stress.  You can also take our Online Health Assessment. Our assessment analyses your biometrics, medical history, periods and lifestyle factors, to calculate your risk profile and help determine the cause of your symptoms. By looking at the pattern between your menstrual cycle and stress levels, you should be able to spot if there’s any obvious link. Even if they aren’t linked, just being able to rule out stress as the cause of your period troubles is helpful—you’ll then at least know to direct your attention elsewhere. If you are under stress consistently, it may be difficult to pinpoint that this is what’s causing your irregular cycles. The best way to establish what is going on with your cycles is to look at your hormone health – you can do this using our tailored at-home Hormone and Fertility Test. By looking at hormones such as testosterone and thyroid-stimulating hormone, we can eliminate other things which can affect your cycle, such as PCOS or abnormal thyroid function. How can we manage stress? Although experiencing stress might not feel great in the moment, it does serve an important purpose and actually, in small doses, it’s a powerful motivator, helping us to work harder and achieve our goals.  Although our modern-day stressors might not be as dangerous as the threats facing our ancestors, they do still present […]

What to Do When You Have a Haemolysed Blood Sample-image

What to Do When You Have a Haemolysed Blood Sample

In this article we will walk you through what happens if your Hertility at-home hormone testing kit comes back with a haemolysed blood sample, what happens during lab tests affected by hemolysis and our top tips for taking and sending off your samples to ensure your hormone blood test results don’t come back haemolysed. Quick facts: What does it mean when a blood sample is haemolysed? A haemolysed blood sample is when the red blood cells in the sample you provided have burst or broken down.  This process is called haemolysis—the red blood cells rupture and spill their contents, mainly haemoglobin (a protein that carries oxygen around your body) into their surrounding serum or plasma.  With any type of blood collection, haemolysed blood samples can happen. They are very common—in fact, they are actually the number one cause of rejected samples by labs, second only to insufficient sample size (1). Haemolysed samples are unable to be tested and labs will reject and request new samples. This is because analytes that are tested for in the sample will potentially have become diluted by haemolysis and an accurate result will not be able to be obtained. We know it can be frustrating to hear that your sample couldn’t be analysed—especially if you’re someone who doesn’t like having blood taken.  What causes a haemolysed blood sample? Haemolysis can happen with any form of blood collection, whether it’s a finger prick sample like the one used in our at-home Hormone & Fertility Test or a traditional venous blood drawn by a nurse or doctor. It can also happen regardless of where the sample was taken.  Samples can become haemolysed for a number of different reasons, but here are some common ones we’ve found with our tests. Haemolysed blood could be caused by: Can my sample be analysed if it’s haemolysed? Unfortunately, no. Because the red blood cells have broken down, the hormones within the sample can’t be analysed.  We know this can be really disappointing and frustrating. So, if your sample has come back haemolysed, we will send you a second test kit, free of charge, for you to retake your sample.  All you need to do is log in to your health hub, navigate to your tests and click on the notification we’ve sent you. We will have already credited your account with a free test, so all you need to do is check out.  Top tips for taking your sample Sometimes haemolysis can happen because of the way your blood sample was collected or packaged. We’ve put together a few tips and tricks to help you get your sample to us safe and sound. Top tips for preventing hemolysis when taking your blood sample: 1. Slow it right down Take your time when taking your sample, don’t rush through or squeeze your finger really hard. Use gentle downward strokes to encourage blood flow. 2. Make sure your hands are warm Warm hands = more blood circulation. This means it will be easier to draw your sample. Submerge your hand in warm water for a couple of minutes before collecting your sample to get that blood pumping all the way to your fingers. 3. Use your ring finger This one usually works the best, giving the biggest drops. Make sure you prick the fleshy part. 4. Always wipe away the first droplet Use a tissue or sterilised wet wipe to wipe the first drop clean, before aiming the rest of your drops into your collection tube. 5. Pierce a second finger if the blood stops flowing on the first Don’t overdo it on the first finger, if the blood flow stops, start fresh on a new finger. 6. Use the cartwheel method Take your arm that is not being used for the sample (we don’t want an American psycho situation up the walls) and swing in a cartwheel motion for about a minute. Don’t ask why, but it works. 7. Get your blood pumping with some star jumps Bring back some P.E class nostalgia star jump it out for a minute or so before you take your sample. This will get your blood flowing and your fingers warm.  8. Make sure you’re hydrated Everyone is more dehydrated than usual when first waking up which can make circulation slower and collecting your sample more difficult. Stay hydrated the day before you’re due to collect your sample and drink a couple of glasses of water roughly half an hour beforehand.  Top tips for preventing hemolysis when packing your blood sample 1. Do not shake your tube after collecting your sample Place your tube carefully back into your kit box, into the space indicated. This will keep it wedged safely in place during transit. 2. Post your sample on the same day it was collected Ideally you’ll do your test first thing in the morning. Then, keep it at room temperature and post it to your nearest postbox as close to the collection time as you can. This will reduce the time it’s outside for, potentially getting hot in the sun or too cold. 3. Use a priority postbox if you can These are collected everyday, you can find your nearest one on the Royal Mail website.  4. Check our social channels for lab closures and postal service delays We regularly post or email reminders about upcoming lab closures, postal strikes and delays due to public holidays on our stories, make sure you’re following us and check our socials before doing your test. FAQs How will I know if my sample arrives haemolysed? Rest assured, we will always contact you directly if your sample arrives haemolysed. One of our customer service team will be in touch.  Will I get another test free of charge if my sample is haemolysed? Our labs will inform us, we will contact you to let you know and will offer a second kit free of charge to redo your test Do I have to wait until day 3 of my cycle before I can test again? Unless you’re on hormonal contraception, unfortunately yes, you will have to wait until […]

Can I Test My Hormones and Fertility While on Birth Control?-image

Can I Test My Hormones and Fertility While on Birth Control?

You can test some of your hormones with Hertility regardless of the type of birth control you’re using. In this article, we run through the differences between hormonal and non-hormonal birth control and which hormones you can test with us depending on the type you’re using.  Quick facts: Different types of birth control Despite most of us only being able to reel off a handful, there are actually many different types of birth control, or contraception. These include both hormonal and non-hormonal options, plus, long-term and short-term methods. Whatever method of contraception works best for you is personal and will depend on your goals, your body and if you choose to use hormonal contraception, your hormones too.  So, from condoms to coils, let’s take a look at the different types of birth control, how they work, and how each will affect a hormone and fertility test. What is hormonal contraception? Hormonal contraception uses synthetic hormones, which are basically (wo)man-made versions of our natural hormones, to either prevent us from ovulating and/or to bring about bodily changes that prevent pregnancy. Types of hormonal contraception include: How does hormonal contraception work? To understand how hormonal contraceptives work (and how this might affect your test), it’s important to first understand exactly how your hormones control your menstrual cycle and overall fertility. Your menstrual cycle hormones, including oestrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH) and testosterone, all work together to ensure that each month you ovulate a healthy, mature egg from one of your ovaries.  If any of these hormone levels are altered, disrupted or suppressed, your overall menstrual cycle and ovulation can be affected—impacting your fertility and ability to conceive.  Hormonal contraceptives use either a combination of synthetic oestrogen and synthetic progesterone (called progestin), or simply just progestin (depending on the type) to alter the balance of your menstrual hormones.  This brings about a series of bodily changes that prevent pregnancy, including: Hormonal contraception can also be used to help relieve hormonal symptoms, like acne, and those related to your menstrual cycle, like heavy menstrual bleeding. Can I test my hormones if I’m on hormonal contraception? Technically, yes you can—but because your natural hormone levels will be altered due to the synthetic hormones in your system, you won’t be able to get an accurate result of your natural menstrual cycle hormone levels, including your FSH, LH, or oestradiol (E2). The good news is, with Hertility, even if you’re on hormonal contraception, we can still test you for Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) and your thyroid hormones—Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free Thyroxine (FT4).  Taking a Hertility Hormone & Fertility Test to test your AMH will give you insight into how many eggs you’ve got left (your ovarian reserve), giving you a good idea of your current fertility. Hormonal contraception can temporarily impact AMH levels, to determine your ovarian reserve more accurately. We would recommend retesting your AMH with your cycling hormones (FSH, oestradiol and LH) at least 3 months after coming off your form of contraception. Your thyroid hormone levels are a good indicator of your general hormone health and remain unaffected by taking any hormonal contraception.  If you’re using a long-term form of hormone contraception, such as the contraceptive injection (known as Depo Provera), you might have to wait up to 12 months for your menstrual cycle hormones to regulate and get back to their natural levels, so we can get an accurate result. What is non-hormonal contraception? These are your contraceptive types that don’t contain any synthetic hormones, and won’t alter your natural hormone levels if you use them.  Types of non-hormonal contraception include: How does non-hormonal contraception work? Non-hormonal contraceptives prevent pregnancy through several different methods, the difference being they tend to use just one method, rather than a combination, like in hormonal contraception. These include:  These include: Can I test my hormones if I’m on non-hormonal contraception? Yes, you’re good to go! Non-hormonal contraception does not alter any of your natural hormone levels, so with our Hormone and Fertility Test you can test all of your menstrual cycle hormones, AMH and thyroid hormones when you’re using non-hormonal contraception. Do I need a hormone test? Testing your hormones and fertility can give you important insights into both your overall and reproductive health.  Whether you’re experiencing possible hormonal symptoms, or planning ahead for your future family forming options—testing can help give you clarity into what’s going on inside your body.  Our At-home Hormone & Fertility Test is personalised to you and based on your unique biometrics, medical history, cycle and symptoms. Our test will screen you for up to 18 reproductive health conditions and give you insights into your ovarian reserve. This can help you to identify any potential underlying health conditions or hormonal imbalances that could affect your chances of conceiving. We recommend regular testing—once a year, or every six months if you’re above 35 or have an underlying condition that might affect fertility. Because our hormones are constantly changing, regular testing helps to ensure you’re tracking any changes over time. This can help you to better manage any symptoms and measure the success of any lifestyle changes or medication if you need to. So, whether you’re curious about your health, planning for future children or trying to conceive, regular hormone testing with our At-Home Hormone & Fertility Tests could be an essential step toward understanding your reproductive health. If you’re on contraception, hormonal or non-hormonal, and want to test your hormones and fertility, you can get started today by taking our online health assessment today. References:

5 Things AMH Testing Can Tell You About Your Fertility-image

5 Things AMH Testing Can Tell You About Your Fertility

Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) is a really important hormone for your fertility because of how closely it is linked to your eggs, AMH testing can help you understand your fertility and give you insights into your overall reproductive health. Here’s what testing can and can’t tell you. Quick facts: What is AMH and why is it so important? Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) is a super important hormone for fertility. AMH is made by the small sacs, called follicles, in your ovaries. These follicles house your eggs.  Because of its close relationship to your eggs, testing your AMH levels can help indicate how many eggs you have left at the time of testing.  There are a few myths out there about what exactly AMH testing can tell us. So in this article, we cover the main things an AMH test can and can’t tell you. Let’s get into it… What can AMH testing tell me? Whether your ovarian reserve is a normal for your age AMH testing will give you insights into whether your ovarian reserve is in line with other healthy people in your age group. If you are not using any hormonal contraception, testing other hormones, like follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and oestradiol alongside AMH can also help to build a full picture of egg reserve. Generally, people with low egg reserves are known to have higher levels of FSH and lower levels of oestradiol. Whether you have polycystic ovaries or polycystic ovary syndrome AMH testing can also indicate whether you could have polycystic ovaries (PCO). PCO is a common reproductive health condition affecting around 30% of reproductive-aged people assigned female-at-birth. PCO is benign and does not affect fertility, but it can cause other unwanted symptoms.  People with PCO have a higher-than-expected number of immature follicles in their ovaries. More follicles mean a higher level of AMH in the blood.  Some people with PCO also have the syndrome that can be associated with it—polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which often presents as symptoms like irregular periods and high testosterone levels.  According to updated guidelines, AMH testing can be used as a marker for polycystic ovaries, which is one of the criteria for a  PCOS diagnosis. However, we would always recommend getting a scan of your ovaries) to confirm the diagnosis. Whether IVF or egg freezing could be right for you AMH testing and understanding your ovarian reserve can also help to determine if certain fertility treatments like IVF or egg freezing could be suitable for you. During these fertility treatments, AMH levels are often tested to help determine the doses of medication needed and used to predict the outcomes of the egg collection process. People with lower AMH levels are known to have less successful IVF treatment cycles, whereas someone with high AMH might be at increased risk of developing a rare but potentially life threatening condition called OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome).  Many NHS-funded and private IVF clinics therefore require a minimum AMH level for you to be eligible for a free IVF treatment cycle. The minimum level on the NHS will depend on where in the UK you are currently residing. Whether you may be perimenopausal or menopausal or have POI Menopause refers to the period of your life, usually post 45-50, where you no longer have menstrual cycles and are therefore no longer able to conceive naturally. Menopause is associated with having an extremely low, or completely diminished, ovarian reserve.  It is usually diagnosed retrospectively—when women are over 45 years old and have not had a period in 12 months (and are not using hormonal contraception).  For people who are younger, FSH levels are useful for diagnosing menopause, as FSH levels are known to increase for people with low egg reserves. Although AMH levels are not recommended to help diagnose menopause, it is known that AMH levels reduce to very low levels at the time of menopause. There is also evidence that people with very low AMH levels (who are not going through menopause) will undergo menopause much sooner than those with AMH levels that are within range. When the ovaries stop working before the age of 40, this is known as premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), which AMH levels have also been shown to provide a good indicator of. If you have a higher risk of miscarriage or recurrent pregnancy loss It is estimated that approximately 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage. Miscarriages occur most frequently in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and can be associated with lots of different risk factors. Some of the most common are your and your partner or sperm donors’ age, pre-existing conditions and ethnicity. Recent evidence has shown that people with diminished ovarian reserve, and therefore very low AMH levels, are more likely to have a miscarriage or recurrent miscarriage (two or three consecutive pregnancy losses).  However, more research needs to be done to understand the links between AMH levels and miscarriage, including its risk factors. What can’t AMH testing tell me? Unfortunately, AMH testing and ovarian reserve forms only one part of the fertility picture and there are some things that AMH testing may not be able to tell you. Let’s take a look… It can’t determine your egg quality Although AMH levels can give insight into your egg quantity, it does not provide any insight into the quality of those eggs. Despite poor egg quality being one of the most common causes of female infertility, there is currently no test that can definitely determine egg quality (unless testing embryos in IVF treatment). It can’t determine your exact egg quantity Your AMH result can give an indication of the size of your ovarian reserve.  This is because it is released by the follicles which contain our eggs, meaning that the more follicles we have, the higher the AMH that will be produced. However, it can’t tell you your exact number of eggs because each follicle may produce a different amount of AMH depending on its size.  In order to estimate the number […]

Oestrogen 101: What it is, What it Does and How it Changes-image

Oestrogen 101: What it is, What it Does and How it Changes

Oestrogen—the matriarch of female sex hormones. But what exactly does it do in the body, what’s its role in the menstrual cycle and what are the symptoms to look for if your oestrogen has become imbalanced? Read on to find out.  Quick facts: What is oestrogen? Oestrogen is an important reproductive hormone in people of all sexes. It’s generally known as the ‘female’ sex hormone, because of its role in the development of the female reproductive system and regulation of the menstrual cycle.  Oestrogen works to enable ovulation and produce female sex characteristics. When we have healthy levels of oestrogen, it can help us to feel feisty, frisky and fabulous. Whilst it’s true that oestrogen plays a bigger role in those assigned-female-at-birth, everybody produces oestrogen, regardless of sex. In those assigned-female-at-birth, oestrogen is produced mainly in ovaries and depends on other reproductive hormones including follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH) and testosterone for both its production and regulation. Like all of our hormones, our oestrogen levels can sometimes become off-balanced—with many different lifestyle and genetic factors impacting its production and regulation throughout the body. Types of oestrogen? There are three different types of oestrogen, also sometimes spelt estrogen (the American spelling). What does oestrogen do? Oestrogen wears many hats—it helps to regulate our menstrual cycles, triggers the development of secondary sex characteristics like breasts and pubic hair and helps to maintain things like our skin’s moisture, our mood and even our bone and heart health. Let’s take a look at these in more detail: What is oestrogen’s role in the menstrual cycle? Like all of our menstrual cycle hormones, our oestrogen levels during the menstrual cycle fluctuate.  During the first part of our menstrual cycles, the follicular phase, which lasts from day 1 of our periods until ovulation (when we release a mature egg), our oestrogen levels start off low but steadily increase. In this phase, our eggs are maturing in preparation for ovulation.  Our eggs mature in our ovaries, in little sacs called follicles. These follicles make oestrogen, so whilst your eggs are maturing, your follicles steadily release this oestrogen—and it rises until it reaches a peak, just before we ovulate. Because of oestrogen’s feel-good factors, just before and during ovulation is the time of the month when we’ll be killing it, feeling our most fierce and fabulous. This is the time to book that big presentation at work, go on that first date or really push it in your gym session. This peak in oestrogen causes a surge in LH, which triggers the release of a mature egg from one of our ovaries during ovulation. After ovulation, oestrogen levels gradually drop and despite a small second wind around a week later, they continue to level off throughout the second stage of our menstrual cycles—the luteal phase. At the end of our cycles, if the ovulated egg has not met a sperm and been fertilised, all of our menstrual cycle hormones, including oestrogen, drop off to their baseline levels—triggering our periods. If our oestrogen levels get off balance, it can disrupt the balance of our other menstrual cycle hormones—potentially impacting ovulation. No ovulation = no pregnancy. So if you’re trying to get pregnant, testing your hormone levels is really important for understanding your ovulation and general menstrual cycle health. What affects oestrogen levels? As well as fluctuating naturally month to month, lots of other lifestyle, genetic and medical conditions can affect our oestrogen levels, including: Does oestrogen decline with age? Thanks to our wonderful ‘biological clocks’, as we age, our oestrogen levels gradually decline. This is because our number of egg cells decreases as we age and as a result, our follicles stop growing and producing as much oestradiol (E2). After menopause (when our periods stop completely), our E2 levels completely drop off, which is what causes the common low oestrogen menopausal symptoms like hot flushes, dry skin and mood swings. During perimenopause (the lead up to menopause), E2 levels fluctuate up and down which can also cause menopausal symptoms. Declining oestrogen levels has whole-body knock-on effects, but luckily these days hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be a great option to relieve symptoms for many people during perimenopause and postmenopause. How do I know if my oestrogen levels are normal? Because our oestrogen levels fluctuate during our cycles, as we age, and are dependent on whether we’re taking hormonal birth control or not, our ‘normal’ level is constantly changing.  Like all of our hormones, our oestrogen is super sensitive and can easily get off balance. Oestrogen imbalances can cause a whole host of symptoms and can be caused by both lifestyle and genetic factors. Symptoms of high oestrogen levels Oestrogen dominance is a phrase that has been used to describe a phenomenon when oestrogen levels are too high in relation to the other sex hormones in your body.  Although it’s not a clinically recognised term, being more sensitive or having excess oestrogen is known to cause symptoms like irregular periods, abnormal vaginal bleeding, bloating, swollen or tender breasts and weight gain. Some causes of high oestrogen levels include underlying health conditions, genetic factors, dietary and lifestyle factors and environmental pollutants. Symptoms of low oestrogen levels On the flip side, when oestrogen levels are too low we can experience irregular periods, fertility difficulties, reduced bone density, vaginal dryness, hot flashes and dry skin—to name a few. Having very low oestrogen levels can be caused by your ovaries not working properly, which occurs in menopause or primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). However, underlying health conditions like pituitary gland disorders, as well as having very low levels of body fat, a high caffeine intake, smoking and excessive exercise can also result in lower oestrogen levels. Luckily, testing our E2 levels with a hormone test can help us to decipher if our oestrogen levels are within the normal range for us. Oestrogen FAQs Where can I get an oestrogen blood test? You’ve landed in the right place. With a Hertility Hormone and Fertility test […]