16 Lifestyle Tips to Help Boost Fertility-image

16 Lifestyle Tips to Help Boost Fertility

If you’re looking to conceive soon, nutrition can have a big impact on your fertility and reproductive health—both positive and negative. Get to know which foods are natural fertility boosters and valuable lifestyle changes that can improve your journey to conception. Quick facts: Why are diet and nutrition important for fertility? As the saying goes, we really are what we eat. Our diets and nutrition impact almost all of our body’s processes—all the way from our metabolism to our mental health. But one often overlooked area is how food can impact our fertility. When trying to conceive, you’ll need a high-nutritional diet. This can increase your chances of conceiving and help to create a healthy home for your baby during their vital first 9 months. Even making small changes to your lifestyle and nutrition choices can go a long way. Here are 16 evidence-backed tips from our Registered Nurse and Associate Nutritionist, Emily Moreton to help prepare your body for pregnancy. You can also book an appointment with a Hertility Nutritionist for a personalised plan. 1. Follow a Mediterranean-style diet Whilst there are no specific guidelines for a recommended fertility diet, the Mediterranean diet, is associated with improved fertility in both women and men. Known for its abundance of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish and healthy fats, the Mediterranean diet is rich in antioxidants. These have been shown to protect sperm and eggs from DNA damage and oxidative stress. A study involving 15,396 participants, which looked at how different diets affect fertility, showed that sticking to the Mediterranean diet improved birth and pregnancy rates significantly, with a 91% higher chance of success. This diet is also high in fibre and rich in vitamins and minerals that support fertility and pregnancy. Think lots of veg, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, pulses, olive oils, avocados and oily fish. 2. Eats foods high in antioxidants Eating a diet rich in a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables can provide a wide range of antioxidants that support fertility and overall health. Think making a rainbow on your plate. Foods high in antioxidants include fruits (such as berries, apples, and citrus fruits), vegetables (such as broccoli, spinach, kale, and carrots), nuts, seeds, and whole grains. 3. Increase intake of plant-based proteins In general, you should focus on lowering your intake of red and processed animal meats and focus on adding plant-based protein sources into your diet.  This can include fertility-friendly and micronutrient-rich beans, lentils, peas, soya beans, and chickpeas. Plant-based protein sources help to support healthy ovulation and are high in antioxidants and nutrients, such as iron and fibre, which are really important during pregnancy.  Low iron levels can add to your tiredness or even could cause iron deficiency anaemia. Iron deficiency during pregnancy can increase the risk of pregnancy complications. It is also important to keep your iron uptake up postpartum too, to replace any iron lost at birth.  You’ll also find some protein in whole grains such as quinoa. If you are opting for plant-based meat alternatives (‘fake meats’), choose a brand that is not ultra-processed and low in additives. 4. Cut down on sugar Cutting down on sugar can be beneficial for fertility. This is because too much sugar can lead to insulin sensitivity, disrupting certain reproductive hormones and causing inflammation. Insulin spikes have been associated with poor egg quality and sperm production and could affect implantation. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2018 found that women who consumed two or more servings of sugary drinks per day had a 50% higher risk of ovulatory infertility compared to those who consumed less than one serving per month. Reducing sugar intake and opting for a balanced, low-glycemic index diet can help improve insulin sensitivity and overall reproductive health. Limit sugary foods and high glycemic index foods such as cakes, biscuits, fizzy drinks, energy drinks, sweets, white rice and white bread. Check the labels for high sugar content. 5. Take pregnancy supplements Folic acid Folic acid is an important supplement during pregnancy because it decreases a risk called neural tube defects. This is a defect that can occur during the development of the baby’s brain and spine.  If you are currently trying to become pregnant, it is advised to take at least 400 mcg of folic acid supplement every day for 12 weeks before conception and for at least three months after conceiving. Some people are at an increased risk of their baby having a neural tube defect and so it is advisable to speak with your doctor as they may recommend and prescribe you a higher dose.  Prenatal vitamins Prenatal vitamins typically contain a combination of various vitamins and minerals that are important for both maternal and foetal health. While folic acid is a main component of prenatal vitamins, these vitamins usually contain a range of other nutrients as well.  These include iron, calcium, vitamin D and other essential vitamins and minerals needed to support maternal health and the baby’s development during pregnancy. Tip: More often than not, doctors will suggest taking prenatal vitamins instead of just folic acid supplements because they cover a wider range of needs for both mum and baby’s health. However, it’s essential to consult with your doctor to determine the most appropriate approach for your unique needs.  6. Take Vitamin D for pregnancy  A previous study has shown that both men’s and women’s vitamin D levels impact fertility and IVF results. It showed that Vitamin D supplements reduce risks for mums and babies, might prevent bone problems, and play a role in foetal development.  How much Vitamin D should I take? It’s recommended that all adults at all stages of life should supplement with 10 micrograms a day of Vitamin D, in the UK. This is particularly true if you are trying to conceive, or you are pregnant—so be sure to supplement right through from the preconception period to breastfeeding.  Prenatal vitamins often contain vitamin D, but the amount can vary […]