Tag: contraception

Coming Off The Pill: Possible Side Effects & Tips to Manage Them
In this article, we’ll look at the potential side effects, symptoms and shifts you might experience when you come off the pill. Read on to understand how to support your reproductive and overall health as you manage your post-contraception journey. Quick facts: Common side effects of coming off the pill Whilst side effects like mood swings, irregular periods and acne, the experience of coming off the pill (or any hormonal contraception) is totally unique to each individual. This is because each of our hormonal make-ups is unique. While coming off the pill may have some side effects, most can be managed or treated and fertility, including a regular menstrual cycle, typically returns to normal within a few months. Knowing how to manage and prepare for any possible symptoms will make your post-pill journey much easier. Let’s take a look at both the physical and mental side effects of coming off the pill. What are the physical side effects of coming off the pill? Stopping the pill may bring on physical side effects including changes in your menstrual cycle, skin issues and weight fluctuations. Menstrual cycle changes Hormonal fluctuations can cause your menstrual cycle to change. While on the pill, your body receives a steady and specific dose of synthetic oestrogen and or progestogen to prevent pregnancy. When you stop taking the pill, the synthetic hormones gradually leave your system, allowing your natural hormones to kick back in. But since your body hasn’t needed them recently, it can take a while for them to find their rhythm. It takes some time for your natural hormones to balance and your menstrual cycle to regulate. A key sign of hormonal balance is a regular menstrual cycle. After coming off the pill, most people notice cycles return to what was normal within 2-3 months. If you’re testing your hormones after coming off the pill, we recommend waiting three months. If your menstrual cycle doesn’t return after three months, reach out to our in-house fertility experts for guidance. They can provide insights, conduct hormone and fertility tests, and offer personalised advice based on your specific situation. After coming off the pill, you might experience your menstrual cycle differently too. It’s common for your periods to be heavier or to get more painful cramps. If you started the pill to manage irregular, painful or heavy periods, they can unfortunately return. To be informed and have a better understanding of your reproductive health, track your menstrual cycle and symptoms after stopping the pill. This data will empower you and support your reproductive health going forward. Skin problems Some birth control pills have an anti-androgenic effect, meaning they lower testosterone levels in your body, which can reduce acne. If you are taking a birth control pill with this effect, you might find that you break out once you come off it. This is often temporary. If acne is affecting your confidence and daily life, consult a healthcare professional for advice. You could also switch up your skincare routine or speak with a dermatologist. Unwanted hair growth Again if you were taking a pill with an anti-androgen effect, unwanted hair growth may return after you stop taking it. Although there are several reasons it can occur, unwanted hair growth on the chin, neck and chest is a common symptom of PCOS, and if you’re concerned, it’s a good idea to talk to a Fertility Advisor. Weight fluctuations People’s responses to the pill vary. Some report weight gain, while others report weight loss. These changes may be due to increased appetite and the oestrogen content in the pill causing fluid retention, but this is very individual. Your weight can impact your reproductive and overall health. If you need support, consult with a fertility nutritionist who can guide you on diet, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments tailored to your needs. Sex drive changes When you come off the pill, you might find your sex drive (libido) increases and you’re up for sex more often. This is because of a boost in testosterone during ovulation. What are the emotional side effects of coming off the pill? Your hormones also significantly control your mood and coming off the pill can cause emotional and psychological effects too. Mood changes Usually, PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), PMDD (pre-menstrual dysphoria disorder), and mood swings may intensify when you stop the pill. PMS and PMDD symptoms vary, but they often include anxiety, low self-esteem, mood swings, tiredness, irritability, fatigue, sluggishness, sleep issues, breast tenderness, cravings, a lack of interest in activities you usually enjoy, feeling tense, overwhelmed, and even having suicidal thoughts. This typically occurs in the second half of your cycle—the luteal phase—before your period and after ovulation. This is the time to be kind to yourself, and understand that you are not your thoughts, and they will pass. Tracking your menstrual cycle so you know when you might experience PMS can help to support you. When PMS hits, try steering clear of things that could ramp up your anxiety. Combat feelings of sadness or hopelessness with coping strategies that suit you. Think self-care like journaling, meditation, dancing, yoga, baths, or just some quiet time. Spruce up your surroundings for a more relaxed vibe. Soft blankets, candles, mellow lighting, and soothing music can make you feel more zen.And don’t forget, talking it out can work wonders. Share with friends, and family, or book an appointment with our clinical team. CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) has been shown to ease the burden of PMDD. Long-term effects and fertility considerations Usually, after a few months of stopping the pill, your ovulation and menstrual cycle will return to normal. If no other underlying health conditions are impacting your fertility, you should be able to conceive. At Hertility, we can support you at every stage, whether you’re trying to conceive or planning for future children. Keep in mind that your fertility timeline after coming off the pill depends on many different factors. Age plays a role (females are generally more fertile in their […]